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Senior Cook
Aug 19, 2004
Bevier, Missouri, USA
Well, I hope it's okay that I put this thread here. I didn't want to put it in a specific topic, because in some ways it pertains to all topics. :roll:

So, for my New Year's resolution, I decided to give up all caffein and pop. I know that chocolate, and some coffees and teas contain caffein, but other than that, I don't know what foods have caffein. Could you all fill me in? I want to stick to this, and make no exceptions.


P.S. Do you know anything about carob powder and carob chips as good substitutions?
i think you get it. and my support tto you; i gave up caffiene in all forms awhile ago so i've been there. any support that you need, pm me.
Here is an interesting list I found on the internet of items that have caffeine and how much.

Amount of Drink/Food
Amount of Caffeine

Mountain Dew
12 ounces
55.0 mg

12 ounces
34.0 mg

Diet Coke
12 ounces
45.0 mg

12 ounces
38.0 mg

12 ounces
0 mg

Brewed coffee (drip method)
5 ounces
115 mg*

Iced tea
12 ounces
70 mg*

Dark chocolate
1 ounce
20 mg*

Milk chocolate
1 ounce
6 mg*

Cocoa beverage
5 ounces
4 mg*

Chocolate milk beverage
8 ounces
5 mg*

Cold relief medication
1 tablet
30 mg*

Source: U.S. Food and Drug Administration and National Soft Drink Association
Leaf Storm said:
No cafine???? Oh the horror! :shock:
going caffeine-free is EXCELLENt! you would be shocked. i went from pots of coffee per day to not even chocolate-FLAVORED food!
Have been pretty much "caffeine free" for 1.5 years now, after being a 9 cuppacoffee a day type until hypertension was sending me places you don't want to go...

It was only "hard" the first three weeks...when the "caffeine headaches" let up (withdrawal symptoms) , it became "easy"...just planning for that particular requirement...

It is a bit more "challenging" when you travel...Europe (Italy) is NOT set up for "de-caff"...likewise, if you like Coke, there are almost "no" hotels with that in the machine, and few convenience stores stock it...

Aside from that, you will feel a lot better, having "quit", as is so often the case...
Because of kidney stones, I am supposed to limit my caffeine. I hated giving up my daily iced tea and occasional Pepsi, but I did (I still have one on a rare occasion, I just have to take an iron tablet when I do). I also gave up my chocolate milk with lunch (school lunches), and I have limited my hot chocolate consumption. Now I see that the chocolate milk and hot chocolate won't be a problem. Thanks for posting that list!

:) Barbara
OK, CookinBlondie, since you are so young I think getting off the caffeine is a wonderful idea. It stunts your growth. Just remember that sometimes you need to allow yourself a little bit so you don't binge huge. Have a bit of chocolate when you feel like it or you may have a total meltdown one day.

As for me, well, lets just say my kids learned very early in life to ask, "Mommy, have you had your coffee yet?" LOL. University is definitely a place to pick up nasty habits.
Good for you, Blondie. I did this earlier in the year and am so glad. Now, if I end up having a diet coke when we're out, I tend to get the shakes! Like Lifter said, the first couple of weeks, with caffine headaches, are the worst. Make sure you have some advil or tylenol with you and take them when the headaches kick in.

I now survive by treating myself to decafs at Starbucks!
Carob is a funny thing. The carob bars that you buy are usually very high in fat, just like chocolate, and often quite unhealthy hydrogenated vegetable oils. I do quite like the carob drinks, but as Barbara points out, the caffeine factor isn't very high.

Carob can taste a bit like sawdust, give it a try and see what you think!
Better to use aspirin derivatives, rather than Advil or Tylenol, unless there is an allergy issue...I forget why, but there is a good reason...

Another reason why "quitting" is something you only want to do "once"...

BTW, a chocolate (or two!) every once in a while isn't going to "kill you"...every couple months, I treat myself to a small pkg of "Lindor" (and probably suffer some "runs" as a result, but thats a small price to pay, IMOO!...

But feel "queasy and uneasy" if I get caused to drink caffeinated coffee, or Coke......have "lost the taste for it", thankfully...the de-caff stuff gets it done quite well...

Alix said:
I think getting off the caffeine is a wonderful idea. It stunts your growth.

Great!!! Oh wait, you were refering to height, not an increasing waistline, weren't you?? ;)

I quit drinking my morning coffee about 6 months ago. I am so happy I did. I feel great. I have not completely cut out all caffeine, but I cut way back. I don't drink a lot of soda, but lately I have been having the occasional cup of tea. Stick with it CookinBlondie, but like Alix said, make sure to give yourself a treat every once in a while. A little caffeine will not hurt you. I am sure you will do great!
Thanks for all the support you guys. Well, it's been 3 days, and that may not seem like a long time but for me it is. On New Year's Eve, my sister made some chocolate chip cookies, so I have been really good about not having any. Also, my dad has a cup of coffee every morning, and I usually have some too, only I add some milk to it, so when I smell that aroma, I want to give in, but I haven't so far.

This is my first ever resolution, so I hope it goes well. Thanks again for the help!

Actually coffee is good for you. It does many good things for you including helping to keep your heart in shape and it's also one of the most powerful detoxitants for your body there is. Recommended is 3 - 4 cups a day. As with anything, if you drink coffee to excess it's going to be bad for you. There should be no problem if you drink it with in sensible limits and in fact, as stated, it's good for you :)

Well, even if it WAS really bad for me I don't think I can live without my coffee lol :oops:
I hear you Leaf! I NEED my coffee. It makes me happy, everything about it. The smell, the taste, and the caffiene!

I think that cup size is important too. When you say 3-4 cups you are talking tea cup size, not MUGS. Which is what most folks think of when they read that.

I read somewhere that caffiene is um...well it has laxative properties. Is that what you meant by detoxifying?
YES! You understand. Must.... Have.... coffee.... lol

I was talking about a cup of espresso. Sorry, I should have made that clear :) Espresso being much stronger than perculated then I would say 5 - 6 cups of "normal" coffee would be ok a day.

You can read about the heath benifits that a scientific study found on BBC news coffee good for you and a link to a scientific study ( also from BBC ) regarding the benifits of coffee and a few other food stuffs being very potent anti-cancer fighting agents. coffee fights cancer

You can read the article on how coffee is good for you here. Really, there is no reason to quit coffee. Just eat and drink sensible and there is no need to quit anything.

Coffee is 'health drink'
By Mark Duff
BBC News, Milan

It is a daily routine for millions of Italians - the morning cup of espresso brewed on the kitchen hob or downed swiftly in a cafe on the way to work.

But for years their favourite way of kick-starting the day has had a bad press - most recently when it was reported that doctors had told British Prime Minister Tony Blair to drink less coffee.

Now it seems the tide is turning.

Forget the scare stories, says dietician Chiara Trombetti, of the Humanitas Gavazzeni institute in the northern Italian town of Bergamo.

There is sound scientific reason to enjoy your morning espresso without worrying about the health effects.

Coffee can be good for you - she says - and the stronger, the better.

That is why she recommends an espresso rather than a very un-Italian cup of instant.

Scientific evidence

Dr Trombetti says she hates the stuff herself - but points to a welter of scientific evidence to back her case.

Coffee contains tannin and antioxidants, which are good for the heart and arteries, she says.

It can relieve headaches.

It is good for the liver - and can help prevent cirrhosis and gallstones.

And the caffeine in coffee can reduce the risk of asthma attacks - and help improve circulation within the heart.

There is no denying that coffee is not for everyone.

If you drink too much it can increase nervousness, and cause rapid heartbeat and trembling hands.

Pregnant women, heart patients, and anyone with a stomach ulcer are usually advised to avoid it.

And even Dr Trombetti says no one should drink more than three or four cups a day.

But there is one group of Italians in particular who might benefit from her advice.

Many parents might be horrified at the thought.

But Dr Trombetti is adamant that a cup of milky coffee could make the ideal start for the next generation of coffee lovers - Italy's drowsy school kids - stimulating their brains ahead of a day that often lasts from 0830 until 1600.
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