Friday March 22, 2024... Is it to late for chili?

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Master Chef
Jan 19, 2017
Frisco, Texas
I got a craving for some Texas Chili. I didn't have everything in my recipe, but had enough to toss together something close. No tomatoes, and no beans (although I do sometimes use pinto beans -- but NO kidney beans, EVER). Dried chilis, toasted and ground fine for flavor. Anchos and chipotles.

I use a very course grind of beef chuck, which is why the meat in my photo looks so chunky. I ground my own, but you can buy it in Texas grocery stores as "chili grind."

I didn't feel like making cornbread, so I went SE Texas style and served my chili with rice. I did use a little bit of corn masa as a thickener.

My chili is never exactly the same. This one was less "soupy" than others. I cooked it in a cast iron skillet, and the beef stock reduced more than it would in a pot. I thought about adding some water at the end, but it tasted great, and I didn't want to mess that up. That's what home cookin' is all about, IMHO.

In the old days, it is my understanding that Texican chili would have been cooked in one pot, and beans in another. The cowboys/vaqueros would have mixed them or not.


That was before we stole Texas from Mexico, and Mexicans became "invaders." Go figure.

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We ordered out. DH had one of his favourite pizzas and I got fried chicken, potato salad, and French fries. It was supposed to be coleslaw, but, oh well. The chicken was good.
It was pretty late when I made a delicious dish last night, using some of those greens I harvested Thursday night, from the hydroponics. It's an Indian chickpea dish - Chana Saag - which I started Thursday night by soaking them overnight in a baking soda solution, then cooking it in some salted water, in the Instant Pot, before starting the rest of the dish. Here's the recipe I based it on, making some changes.
One was the different greens - mostly those Russian kale, but also some bok choy leaves - all the small leaves forming on those bolting plants, I removed. I did the tarka at the end, with the ghee, which is definitely noticeable in the final dish, which is darker than the one in their pictures, due to the kale, and cooking longer than the spinach based one. I served it with a reheated naan, which I had frozen (I'll have to make more of those!).

The onion, garlic, ginger, and greens, cooked and cooled, ready to blend smooth. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Smooth mix for the Chana Saga recipe. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

The tarka, of garlic, Kashmiri peppers, and asafetida, cooked in ghee, added to the finished saag. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Finished Chana Saag. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
I made a small batch of chili for Himself this past Tuesday. He loves chili anytime, but I have to have a real taste for it. While he enjoyed his chili, I finished the Italian sausage and bean soup I had made for Sunday Supper.

On Friday the 22nd we ordered out. Split a "Seafood Feast" from the pizza shop in our village; $22.50. It had two crab cakes, three nice sized pieces of battered fish, about a dozen and a half large tail-off shrimp, a mountain of crinkle fries, Coleslaw, a dinner roll, and a small container of "hot rice". That appears to be a regional dish, so much do that there are recipes online for "Barberton hot rice". It's...okay. Overall for the price, it  was a feast!
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