Friday, March 15, 2024, what's for dinner?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
I was going to actually cook, but got extremely irritated while doing some bookkeeping for Craig's little business this afternoon, as the accounting program is really old and won't run on newer operating systems, it's running on XP Pro, and is on a REALLY old computer bought right after XP Pro came out. So, it's slow as cool molasses, and odd things happen every now and again with programs. I told Craig we could do the last Tovala meal from this week's order, get takeout or go out.

So, we ended up at a new to us Cuban place. I had picadillo, moros and christianos, and maduros. Craig had lechon asado, and the same sides as me, moros and christianos, and maduros. We thought about getting some churros for dessert but we're too full. Half of my dinner came home with us.
There was a break in the snow/rain this afternoon/early evening so I quick like a bunny got the weber gasser going.

Costco Rib Eye Steaks, fresh Asparagus and an AF Baked Potato.
When I first met DH, he would only eat his Steak WELL DONE and then smothered in A-1 Sauce
Nor did he care for any vegetable, not even Potatoes! He would only eat Tomatoes & Cucumbers.
It took years, but I slowly got him to see the light
I can't tell you how many compliments he gave me this evening on this meal.
We don't eat alot of red meat, but when we do, I figure, buy the best that you can afford and then prepare it well.
I have freshly - homemade coffee cake for later
We had a mishmash of 'stuff' since no one really had time or wanted to cook. Veggie rice, baked breaded eggplant slices, baked breaded tofu in small pieces, and baked squash with balsamic vinegar and honey, all served with stir fry sauce. Mr bliss is celebrating his birthday tomorrow by going to a beekeeping state convention, so I'm sending along food for the drive, fig bars, oat-fruit cookies, black bean brownies w/cherries and chocolate chips, and zucchini-pear bread. Hopefully he'll share with his friends.
Was supposed to make Chef John's Creamy Mushroom Past but ran out of oomph. Will make the sauce early today so I'll only have to cook the pasta later.

brownies 24.03.16 single serve b.jpg
Ahem, the little butter knife just stays there waiting for me. :sneaky:
Yesterday I also made 2 batches of single serve brownies in my little cast iron pans. One for upstairs and another for ME of course. And those Poppers yesterday which will be on my constant rotation list I think, along with some mushroom caps per Aunt Bea's suggestion.
So, we ended up at a new to us Cuban place. I had picadillo, moros and christianos, and maduros. Craig had lechon asado, and the same sides as me, moros and christianos, and maduros. We thought about getting some churros for dessert but we're too full. Half of my dinner came home with us.
I had to look that up. The phrase has an interesting etymology: "Moros y Cristianos means 'Moors and Christians'. Moros refers to the black beans, and Cristianos to the white rice. The name of the dish is a reference to the African Muslim governance of the Iberian Peninsula from the early 8th century through the Reconquista (15th century)."
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Was supposed to make Chef John's Creamy Mushroom Past but ran out of oomph. Will make the sauce early today so I'll only have to cook the pasta later.

View attachment 68461 Ahem, the little butter knife just stays there waiting for me. :sneaky:
Yesterday I also made 2 batches of single serve brownies in my little cast iron pans. One for upstairs and another for ME of course. And those Poppers yesterday which will be on my constant rotation list I think, along with some mushroom caps per Aunt Bea's suggestion.
Love the brownies!
I missed Aunt Bea's mushroom suggestion. Please enlighten me. TIA
DH had half of a club sandwich and fries leftover from lunch out with his admin asst. I toasted another piece of bread and remade the innards into two loaded half sandwiches, so we had those with fries and grapes. Chocolate ice cream and Girl Scout cookies for dessert.
We went to a Maldivian Restaurant called Soba in Fairbanks....twice because it was simply amazing. The second time we took our niece and nephew-in-law along.
Pierogies, charcuterie, pastry stuffed with cheese and herbs, a meat patty thingie, and chicken cutlets with delicious sides. So. Much. Food. Happily fleece-layers stretch.


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