Friday, 6-30-2017, what's for dinner?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Craig had wanted a pork loin wrapped with pancetta, but wanted to stuff it with something and make a roulade. He asked me what I thought about pesto and I said sure, we can give it a try. I made a pretty thick but classic pesto, he put it together, baked it, and it came out PDG. Kind of reminded us of porchetta. Sides were steamed brocolli and roasted potatoes. He did good.
Today was a specialty shopping day. We went to a sausage shop in Newton for a box of Chinese sausages. They're great on the grill.

Then we went to an Armenian specialty store and I bought three dozen lamejun (one for us and one for each daughter), some Armenian sausage, a couple of different grinds of bulgar and some string cheese.

Last stop was Penzeys where I spent altogether too much money to restock and try some new things.

Dinner was going to be grilled Chinese sausage but heavy showers dampened my interest in grilling so we ended up with some lamejun and pasta salad.
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Pub night for us: ABTs and nachos made with blue tortilla chips, and, of course, Margaritas (and beer)

Pub night for us: ABTs and nachos made with blue tortilla chips, and, of course, Margaritas (and beer)


Yum! I love blue tortilla chips. I ate chips and salsa every single night for dinner for about 6 months after I got divorced. Didn't have to cook and it's what I wanted :ROFLMAO:
Love Maraca Man, taxy!

We took a break from leftovers tonight. Well, a kinda break. I made dinner salads loaded up with an assortment of veggies, cheese crumbles (Cablanca cheese), prosciutto ribbons, hard-cooked egg, and leftover grilled chicken breast. I had mine with a cranberry-orange muffin. Himself opted to eat his muffin for breakfast. I'm not sharing...:LOL:


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Love Maraca Man, taxy!

We took a break from leftovers tonight. Well, a kinda break. I made dinner salads loaded up with an assortment of veggies, cheese crumbles (Cablanca cheese), prosciutto ribbons, hard-cooked egg, and leftover grilled chicken breast. I had mine with a cranberry-orange muffin. Himself opted to eat his muffin for breakfast. I'm not sharing...:LOL:
That looks like my kinda salad. But, I'm not making that here. The hubster doesn't like raw tomato, cucumber, mushrooms, or prosciutto. :ermm:
I had an old favorite, Mushroom Gratin! I made an avocado Caesar salad to go with it and fruit salad with trail mix on top for dessert. :)
That looks like my kinda salad. But, I'm not making that here. The hubster doesn't like raw tomato, cucumber, mushrooms, or prosciutto. :ermm:
I actually make two salads that size, His and Hers. Lettuce is like zero calories, and the veggies really aren't that much either. As long as the heavy calorie items are light (cheese, meats, salad dressing) I figure we aren't really calorie loading. Himself had a big pile of scallion discs in the middle of his salad! Just put what Stirling likes on his plate...even if that means he gets a plate of just lettuce. It's a "honeymoon salad"! :LOL: (let-us alone ;) )
Chinese food here tonight. I went out because it was hot again and I didn't feel like cooking. I still have some mu shu pork and I'm having that for breakfast tomorrow. The joys of living alone. heehee
We went to Chef and the Farmer in Kinston, NC, for dinner last night. It's about a three-hour drive for us and we spent the night in a hotel. It was our Christmas present to ourselves [emoji2]

Delicious food, excellent service and an overall outstanding experience. We're on the road home now. I'll post pix later, when I'm back on our home network [emoji2]
I actually make two salads that size, His and Hers. Lettuce is like zero calories, and the veggies really aren't that much either. As long as the heavy calorie items are light (cheese, meats, salad dressing) I figure we aren't really calorie loading. Himself had a big pile of scallion discs in the middle of his salad! Just put what Stirling likes on his plate...even if that means he gets a plate of just lettuce. It's a "honeymoon salad"! :LOL: (let-us alone ;) )
Doesn't really work here. I often don't have those ingredients at home. They don't get used up. I also never know how much each of us wants to eat ahead of time. Once in a while, I put out all the prepped ingredients and we each take the bits that appeal. Most of my salads include celery, carrot, onion of some kind, lettuce, and some brassica.
We went to Chef and the Farmer in Kinston, NC, for dinner last night. It's about a three-hour drive for us and we spent the night in a hotel. It was our Christmas present to ourselves [emoji2]

Delicious food, excellent service and an overall outstanding experience. We're on the road home now. I'll post pix later, when I'm back on our home network [emoji2]
That sounds fun! I'm anxious to see the pictures and hear about your dinner! I looked at the menu and im now inspired to try okra cakes. I just can't decide if I want to do rice or cornmeal, I found recipes for both! Safe travels! Susan
"Christmas" GG??

I grilled this recipe again last night for the second time in the last few days. We can't get enough of it as it's sooo delicious. Thanks for the tip 10 speed!!

Turkish Chicken Kebabs Recipe -
Yeah, this is our Christmas present. Delayed gratification ;) The chef uses local seasonal ingredients and the menu changes frequently. We came last year in April and I wanted to see what the menu is like in the summer.

I mentioned this in a TV thread, but the chef has a documentary/cooking show series on PBS that we have enjoyed for several years. Check it out:

She examines and cooks with a different traditional North Carolina ingredient each week. They also have some of her recipes online:

And DH gave me a signed copy of her cookbook last year when I became a Master Food Volunteer [emoji813]
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Yeah, this is our Christmas present. Delayed gratification ;) The chef uses local seasonal ingredients and the menu changes frequently. We came last year in April and I wanted to see what the menu is like in the summer.

I mentioned this in a TV thread, but the chef has a documentary/cooking show series on PBS that we have enjoyed for several years. Check it out:

She examines and cooks with a different traditional North Carolina ingredient each week. They also have some of her recipes online:

And DH gave me a signed copy of her cookbook last year when I became a Master Food Volunteer [emoji813]
I posted our Friday dinner at Chef and the Farmer in the Road Food forum:
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