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Master Chef
Nov 10, 2010
Ottawa Valley, Ontario, Canada
Just cut into this one today..It has been hanging since Dec 5..Looks good..had no mold. It took this long to lose 35% of it's original weight..Tastes great..a bit mild..I'll ad more spices next time..


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I'm drooling. That looks really yummy. What cut of meat did you use?

The meat is usually a cylinder of neck meat that runs along the spine. Called the Copa in Italian. It is chosen for it's fat to meat ratio..I can't get it around here so I trim the next closest thing which is a portion of the shoulder butt..
The meat is usually a cylinder of neck meat that runs along the spine. Called the Copa in Italian. It is chosen for it's fat to meat ratio..I can't get it around here so I trim the next closest thing which is a portion of the shoulder butt..
Thanks, that's interesting. Yeah, getting the same cuts as used in other countries can be challenging.
Just cut into this one today..It has been hanging since Dec 5..Looks good..had no mold. It took this long to lose 35% of it's original weight..Tastes great..a bit mild..I'll ad more spices next time..

I've tried several times, it either grows green mold or turns mushy.
Can you post your recipe.
What cure are you using?
i found the problem, it has to be vacuum packed in the curing salt overnight or left for a longer cure if no vacuum is available. i did an overnite cure without vacuum.
The cure didn't penetrate and displace the moisture or blood or whatever it is.
the result was tough and slimey.
i found the problem, it has to be vacuum packed in the curing salt overnight or left for a longer cure if no vacuum is available. i did an overnite cure without vacuum.
The cure didn't penetrate and displace the moisture or blood or whatever it is.
the result was tough and slimey.
I've never made capocollo before but have cured meats for guanciale and Montreal smoked meat and curing has been a minimum of 7 days for the guanciale and the smoked meat was 11. I doubt an overnight vac back cure is enough time, yeah, for sure not enough time so I would be careful with that product. It also need to hang for a few months and lose 30 or 40% of it's weight for the aging process before it's used.
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