Chicken Pot Pie

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Executive Chef
Oct 7, 2009
San Diego CA
Still had a lot of chicken from the beer butt Chicken I did yesterday and Chicken Pot Pie is one of my favorite way to use leftover chicken.

Made a roux with a little butter, canola oil, flour and some Knorr Chicken bouillon.

Added enough water to make a gravy then added 8 oz frozen mixed veggies and approx 2 cups chopped leftover chicken then mixed it well

Took a Roll of Grand biscuits and split them in half so I had 16 biscuits and covered the chicken. Cut some of the biscuits to fill in the gaps.

Then let it cook indirect on the grill at about 400*f for approx 25 minutes

I do a chicken pot pie out of the slow cooker but it doesn't come out looking so nicely crusted. Very nice as usual V!
The best crust is made out of lard, or butter.... I don't care what anyone say, but this is one the the times you need a damn good crust.

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