Got a good lemongrass chicken recipe?

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Senior Cook
May 15, 2020
Prior Lake
My father ate at a Vietnamese restaurant back in the 90s called The Bona in Minneapolis. He says the Hot and Spicy chicken (with lemongrass) isn't nearly as good as it used to be, so I'm trying to replicate the taste without ever having eaten it (alas I was like 5 in the 90s.). Does anyone know of a good lemongrass chicken recipe? (he said it was quite spicy, a bit sweet, vinegary, had good balance). I've tried at least 20 different recipes I've come up with and found online and it isn't "it." Any advice or comments would be great!
Your trying to replicate something you've never eaten and the 20 recipes you have tried wasn't it. Interesting conclusion and endeavor. I wish you eternal success.
pictonguy, I think dad is the one doing the taste testing.

BAPyessir6, do you think maybe dad's taste buds have changed over the years without his realizing it?
We often feel a recipe might have changed when it is really us. I know I often see things that I don't feel are the same, and sometimes a well loved morsel doesn't just taste the same anymore... even if I prepared it myself.

Nostalgia and wishful thinking?
pictonguy, I think dad is the one doing the taste testing.

BAPyessir6, do you think maybe dad's taste buds have changed over the years without his realizing it?
We often feel a recipe might have changed when it is really us. I know I often see things that I don't feel are the same, and sometimes a well loved morsel doesn't just taste the same anymore... even if I prepared it myself.

Nostalgia and wishful thinking?
Right, yeah, got that wrong lol.
He's got a finicky palette and was an R&D taste tester at a cheese plant for years and years. It also could be his nostalgia of even if it was perfect it would still not taste as "good." But I continue nonetheless!! 😊
After about a year of pestering him I was able to make a peach cobbler that was as good as what his Southern grandma used to make, so that was a major success for me. 😁
Consider using this recipe, substituting chicken for the tofu.

It’s from one of the best and most reputable Vietnamese cookbooks out there — “Pleasures from the Vietnamese Table.”

Epicurious only allows a certain number of recipes to be read and then it's a paid subscription. But there are many other sites with that recipe. eg. lemongrass chicken I haven't checked them ingredient to ingredient but at any rate the whole darn thing sounds delicious!

Just compared the two recipes and although there are differences, it's mostly in quantities of the various ingredients. Again though there are many recipes out there.
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