Christmas Breakfast

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Bolas De Fraile

Executive Chef
Oct 28, 2010
This is the only meal of the day that we stick to a great English tradition from the county of Leicestershire.

Its simple but full of taste, Melton Mowbray style home made pork pie, Colston Basset Stilton Cheese, washed down with a good Port wine.

What do you eat for Chrimbo breakfast.
bolas, please describe the pork pie you'd mentioned. it has a proper name, so it should be good. :)

this year, i'm sneaking out of work at 6am to be home with camera ready before the family wakes up.

brekkie will probably be eggs over easy, home fried spuds, toast, fried slices of polish style cured pork tenderloin, polish rye bread, farmer's cheese, and rugelach.
bolas, please describe the pork pie you'd mentioned. it has a proper name, so it should be good. :)

this year, i'm sneaking out of work at 6am to be home with camera ready before the family wakes up.

brekkie will probably be eggs over easy, home fried spuds, toast, fried slices of polish style cured pork tenderloin, polish rye bread, farmer's cheese, and rugelach.
Tom I will try, you make hot water crust pastry by boiling lard and water then pour it into plain flour, work into a stiff paste, then you have to free hand a case the shape and depth of a coffee mug (as the pastry cools it is like play dough) reserving a piece for the lid.
Hand chop meaty belly pork into small cubes and mix in some onions that have been softened in butter, add lots of ground black pepper and a few pinches of salt. Pack carefully into your pastry case, put on the lid with a hole in it, bake in a moderate oven for about 90 mins then remove and egg wash, place back in the oven for another 30 mins.

Let it cool, pour in some stock made with pigs trotters that will set inside and make the meat moist. Leave in the fridge for 24 hrs to mature.

I cant find a pic these are Gala Pork pies, you put a row of boiled eggs in the middle of the meat before baking, you can only do this using tins.
I eat two types of polish smoked pork, one is hot smoked, the other is cold smoked tenderloin which I eat raw. I make polish farmers goats cheese.
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if i cook~new-Dad & my Mom, i'll cook them thick-cut french toast, baco or ham or that compote, milk, that jive; may cook eggs
i'd luv 2 make them french toast w/ brie & boscs
i'd luv 2 make them french toast w/ brie & boscs

Man that sounds good!

In our house our daughter is required to eat the fruit and nuts that she finds in her Christmas stocking before opening any presents. Of course there are stocking stuffers to keep her occupied and happy until the main event. In the mean time dh and I have time to get a hot cup of coffee and some kind of breeakfast sandwich or maybe a pastry depending how ambitious I am feeling that morning. I would love to make a big breakfast including popovers with fresh jam and maybe a Christmas egg casserole for breakfast but I have learned from years past, that just doesn't work for us.
Christmas starts at about 5am when the kids wake up.
A cup of coffee is a lucky thing.I will get some bagels for the aftermath. We are hosting Christmas Dinner this year so better to stay hungry for us.
I love Christmas breakfast! I'm usually up really late the night before making the cardamom braid (Finnish Nissua) and we munch on that with jam while I get a larger breakfast prepared. For the past 2 years I have done a breakfast pizza, baked french toast casserole and mixed fruit. The french toast casserole is assembled the night before and the pizza comes together pretty quickly so they are ideal dishes for dealing with all the other craziness that is Christmas.
For some reason we never really developed a Christmas breakfast tradition. I guess our tradition is that we always slept late on Christmas (one of the few days my mom and dad could sleep late) and then just had whatever we felt like having. However, eggnog (non-alcoholic) is usually part of our Christmas morning.

my grandson and his wife host a christmas morning brunch. the escondido part of the clan. she has cinnamon rolls or sticky buns. bacon and scrambled eggs, fruit and wine. i am going to suggest i bring my breakfast casserole to cut down on her work. she also has a christmas dinner. she is a busy and dear girl. would like to help if i can.
if i cook~new-Dad & my Mom, i'll cook them thick-cut french toast, baco or ham or that compote, milk, that jive; may cook eggs
i'd luv 2 make them french toast w/ brie & boscs

thanx, joesfolks! i'll save yins many slices & plenty of toppers!

lol, i meant if i cook new-Dad/Mom food~ chianti/favas seem in order, here, now i have heebie-jeebies, shudder~, ewwww
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We have done a variety of things over the years but the typical default is coffee and croissants w/ jam early in the am for early risers and then a brunch a little later.

Seems to me that last year we had a gougere ring, scrambled eggs with fresh dill and smoked salmon bits, grilled pineapple and honeydew slices and some farm bacon.
We always have fresh tenderloin, scrambled eggs, biscuits, and some sort of cinnamon bread - monkey bread or sticky rolls. My d-i-l requested sausage gravy (that was her tradition growing up) so we happily added that to our menu. Fun! Fun! Fun!
Bloody Mary's.......
and these breakfast rolls my fwiend turned me on to about 2 or 3 years ago...They are a new family tradition!!!
I think this year I'll make my Aunt's amazing braided apricot bread on Christmas eve so we can eat it Christmas morning. It's a traditional dish from her grandparents, but I can't recall what it's called at the moment, or where her grandparents are from (she married into the family). I'll probably make brunch later with farm-fresh eggs, Greek yogurt with strawberry freezer jam, cold cuts, rolls, and cheese. I'd love to make a more impressive spread but it's just the 3 of us this year and I have a wedding to attend at the end of January.:) With the bread alone in the house it will probably take me that month to undo the damage!

Something about apricots at Christmas... Hamentashen, apricot braid... mmmm...
I like to put together a Breakfast Strata the night before so that all I have to do Christmas morning is to put it in the oven at 375 for 20 minutes covered and another 20 minutes uncovered. It serves 12 and I serve very simple sides of fresh melon, canteloupe, spinach, sliced heirloom tomatoes, and fresh squeezed orange juice:

...Saute 1lb of your favorite Breakfast Sausage (I use sausage with no nitrates), 1 Red Bell Pepper, and 2 Cups of sliced Cremini Mushrooms. Salt and Pepper to taste.

...Beat together 18 eggs, 1 tsp salt, and 1 Cup milk. Stir in 1 1/2 Cups of shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese.

...Butter a 13 X 9 baking dish and pour in a mix of the sausage/pepper/mushrooms and 8 Cups of 1"Cubed
Bread (Crusty French, Ciabatta, Italian, or any favorite bread...I use Rosemary Bread).

...Pour the egg/cheese/milk mixture over the sausage/breadcubes mixture and press down slightly so the bread soaks up the egg/milk.


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I like to put together a Breakfast Strata the night before so that all I have to do Christmas morning is to put it in the oven at 375 for 20 minutes covered and another 20 minutes uncovered. It serves 12 and I serve very simple sides of fresh melon, canteloupe, spinach, sliced heirloom tomatoes, and fresh squeezed orange juice:

...Saute 1lb of your favorite Breakfast Sausage (I use sausage with no nitrates), 1 Red Bell Pepper, and 2 Cups of sliced Cremini Mushrooms. Salt and Pepper to taste.

...Beat together 18 eggs, 1 tsp salt, and 1 Cup milk. Stir in 1 1/2 Cups of shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese.

...Butter a 13 X 9 baking dish and pour in a mix of the sausage/pepper/mushrooms and 8 Cups of 1"Cubed
Bread (Crusty French, Ciabatta, Italian, or any favorite bread...I use Rosemary Bread).

...Pour the egg/cheese/milk mixture over the sausage/breadcubes mixture and press down slightly so the bread soaks up the egg/milk.
yes, yes, yes I will give that a bash molly, do I just double the quantities for two;)
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