Condolences to Dove, her beloved son John passed at 2:40 Nov 13/07

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When Sandie came home from work today they went right to the ER again. It was around 5:30 PM. It is now 9:45 Pm and they are still there. She called Kevin and said they have him on IV's and a stronger pain patch. The Nurse said that she thinks the headaches are caused by the large doses of Chemo.
Oh Marge,
John, you his wife the whole family have been through so much, I bet it seems as if it never stops. But, John is moving forward each day and having you all by his side and pulling for him helps him so much. Hopefully these headaches will stop soon and he can just rest and grow stronger each day. Will pray for this and for all of you.Hang on, you're loved.

John went into the ER again today at 9 AM and is still there. It is 6:15 PM now. They did another spinal tap. I hated to hear that but they thought it was needed. So far I haven't heard about any results.
Just how much is he supposed to take?? ;-(
Kevin just called. John has been admitted to the hospital. They found a few cancer cells in the spinal fluid. They are going to inject chemo directly into the spine and then send him to another hospital in the area to see the Neurologist. They plan on drilling a hole into his brain and putting a shunt into the brain in "the quiet" area and putting Chemo in there. :(
Oh wow - I am via special delivery sending positive thoughts and prayers. He has been a real trooper, along with everyone. I will always send prayers Marge! My thoughts are always with you. I wish I could be sitting beside you!
Prayers are still being prayed for you and John and your family. I don't know what else to say except that we are here for you my friend. Let us be your strength.
Oh, Marge, I'm so sorry to hear about John's latest bump in the road. I'm sending you all as many hugs and prayers as I can. Stay strong, friend!
The doctor came in to do the procedure on John today but didn't tell Sandie until he was ready to do it that it could cause Cardiac Arrest or Death. But if it wasn't done then the cancer would take him. He is still having the severe headaches..clutching his fists all the time. In a couple of days they will put the shunt into the brain...

I can't type anymore..I can't see through the tears.
I'm so sorry to here this. John has been through so much. More than anyone person should have to endure.Your whole family has had such a rough time lately. I pray this stops soon so that you all can return to just being a family that are loving and living life to the fullest. You have all my prayers and good thoughts, but, then I know you know that. Just come here and use us as a means of relief..Let us help in any way we can Marge. Friends, family, that is what they do for each other..Know deep inside, you are loved and treasured.

I talker to my DIL Sandie. She left the hospital at 9PM and he was asleep. They will call her if he wakes up and wants her.
They are planing on transferring him to the other Kaiser Hospital tomorrow and doing the surgery on Friday morning.
Please keep him in your prayers and think and Pray for him Friday.
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