cooking for a college football team

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Nov 15, 2007
Local college having a cook out after practice on Saturday. it will be about 130 football players aged 18-22, who just got off the practice field.

My buddy is making hamburgers & hot dogs ( he has 200 Hamburgers, 200 hotdogs, & I dont think he has enough)

I am in charge of Mac and cheese, which most players love.

My question is how much to make to have enough?? In my mind, will probably serve in Hotel pans ( or maybe half pans) but how many hotel pans do you think I'll need to feed these guys?? The only other side is potato chips.

any other ideas??

I think the rule of thumb is a 1/2 cup per person per side dish.
The fact you are feeding football players I would double the amount.

If you have a budget, get some cookies as a desert as well

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