It seems the directions on every rice container are for at least 2 servings. I have some brown rice which is 1/4 cup per serving. The container says to use 1 1/3 cup water for 2 servings, so I used some math and just divided that by 2 to get 2/3 cup of water per 1/4 cup serving. I felt there was going to be a problem when I realized how little water it was. I was using a small saucepan too. What probably happened was that most of the water evaporated away when I tried to bring it to a boil. Anyway, the rice turned out hard as a rock. I experimented with different water ratios, but it either comes out soggy or too hard. I was wondering if anyone had a proper amount of water to use for 1/4 cup of brown rice. Also, is it possible to use a rice cooker for 1 serving of rice? I was thinking of buying a cheap one since it also came with a steaming basket.