I grilled some salmon last night , on the stove, in a grill pan....and it didnt stick, I lubed it well with some olive oil and put a wee bit of olive oil in the pan before i put the salmon in, but i noticed some thing really obvious as i was grilling my salmon.
If you put that salmon in the pan so that , how do i say this...???
If salmon breaks up it breaks up in a particular direction, if we were talking wood , i would say that it breaks up with the grain of the wood.
Put in the pan so that the grain of the salmon is perpendicular to the ribs on the pan. Then when you get ready to lift it out, go against the ribs of the pan and you will be able to lift it with out it sticking very much or breaking up.
I was able to peel the skin of the salmon i cooked last night as I cooked the skinless side. Just peeled right off with the spatula