Could I have food poisoning?

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Assistant Cook
May 7, 2010
I know, I know - I've been very stupid, but advice would be good here...

Just ate an egg samwich that was left in my car bot for two days...

It was stil in the packaging. It smelt ok (althoug the packaging didn't smell quite right when I smelt it after) and I think it tasted ok, but when I checked the package, it was wet, like the egg had been leaking...

That was 8 hours ago. I guess as temperature was cold at night, it's almost like being in the fridge. I also guess that if I do get I'll it won't be Salmonella as the egg was precooked.

When will I know if if was dodgy? I feel ok at the mo, apart from a couple of stomach twinges.
probably was not a good idea, but I would think if you have no ill effects after 24 hrs you are likely in the clear, in my non-medical professional opinion
Ok I'll bite. I just gotta ask..........why the $#!@% would you do that??

I was hospitalized once for food poisoning and nearly kicked the bucket.

What you did was unbelievably irresponsible. This has to be a "joke" of some kind. Go play elsewhere.
probably was not a good idea, but I would think if you have no ill effects after 24 hrs you are likely in the clear, in my non-medical professional opinion
Food poisoning can occur 48 hours or even longer after ingestion.
if this is a serious discussion, then it mostly depends on what temp your car bot (?) was for the duration.

i mean, if you live in a cold climate and it never got over 40F in your car, then it'll probably be ok. over that, even for short stretches, would be risky.

i have a friend who has some very weird "traditions" when we go backpacking in the fall or winter. he leaves fried chicken or chicken nuggets somewhere in my truck while we're out on the trail for a couple of days, and then eats it on the ride home. he's never gotten sick from it.
the only thing i can summize is that the temp in my truck never got high enough for bacteria to grow rapidly, and/or he's got extremely high tolerance to nasty things in food.

like danpeikes said, if you've survived more than 24 hours with no ill effects, you've most likely lucked out. as gb mentioned though, you still have a little more time to go. it depends on your physical condition, and just what was in the food.

you're probably fairly healthy or better. the food is through you by now, and your body has hopefully processed most of the nasties. the worst you'll get is some diarrhea, your body's way of flushing itself.

drink a lot of water today to help your liver and kidneys flush, too.

hey, have you ever thought about going mushroom picking? we need a tester...
if this is a serious discussion, then it mostly depends on what temp your car bot (?) was for the duration.

bot may = boot. (Car trunk)

So the big question at this point:

lawero, how are you feeling - are you still with us
bot may = boot. (Car trunk)

So the big question at this point:

lawero, how are you feeling - are you still with us

OMG... This has got to be some kind of sick joke, not even my 5 year old grandbaby would be that foolish...

But i'm with you Janet is Lawero still around to chat??? :sick::sick::sick:
the mayo...

If you cook at a restaurant I sure hope I never stop in it for some grub.
bot may = boot. (Car trunk)

So the big question at this point:

lawero, how are you feeling - are you still with us
That is my question too since he hasn't replied to his post anyway...

Eating a 2 day old egg sandwich or some sort of isn't a very good idea...I wish he's okay even after doing that.
He might be in the hospital or something? Why would he eat a 2 day old sandwich? Even if I'm so hungry, I won't do that for sure.
my Dad often says, 'i'm not even gonna glorify that 1 w/ a response.'
i get now where that could aptly apply.
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