DC's own coffee klatch

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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pf's scones--all gone before i could snag one, dang! oh well, that's a bunch of calories i don't have to deal with later. i just hate it when being "good" is the only choice i have, though. i need to find some tasty, low calorie munchies for these coffee breaks. maybe some rye melba type thins. and---stella dora!! are those sweet, light-as-air "cakes" still around? stella dora--wow, that name takes me back, what, thirty years? anyone seen stella in the stores recently--in one of the dietetic aisles? is there such a thing as a low calorie scone, i wonder....
Vit shhhh, I just droped off some blueberry scones with jam to match. Help yourself they are so goo if I do say so myself. It's my first try making some. Coffee here is a gig hot pot. enjoy
kades or ma if you will;)
oooh, kades, b-b-blueberry scones? with b-b-b-blueberry jam, kades, that you made yourself? and this time i have first dibs--how cool is that?!! well, thank you, kades, you will always have a special seat here in our little coffee klatch. no, no, you just sit right where you are, kades, i'll bring us both coffee. yours is that rich italian roast decaf, no? which of the creamers will it be for you today, sweetie....:)
oooh, kades, b-b-blueberry scones? with b-b-b-blueberry jam, kades, that you made yourself? and this time i have first dibs--how cool is that?!! well, thank you, kades, you will always have a special seat here in our little coffee klatch. no, no, you just sit right where you are, kades, i'll bring us both coffee. yours is that rich italian roast decaf, no? which of the creamers will it be for you today, sweetie....:)
Well I baked them they were a gift from my daughter in law she knows I haunt King Artur flour site for ideas and bread recipes. For some reason she thinks I bake cookie and everything from box mixes so she got me this for Christmas. They aren't bad tho.
Yes the Italian roast decaf and no creamer todsy. but sit for a spell and let's chat;)
tinlizzie, I was the one who mentioned the lift bowl and the tilt head on the KA. What do you want to know?

I just finished dinner, but I'm thinking about a cuppa for dessert. Creme Brulee I think.

Hi, Alix. I just wondered what the consensus is on which cooks seem to prefer. Sometimes changes or variations on a time-honored system spread to other manufacturers like wildfire; sometimes they just don't go over. I've never seen the lift bowl and know absolutely nothing about it. Care to expound a bit? TIA.
oh yes, kades, by all means--let's do...this certainly is a pleasant way for friends to spend a while together, relaxing with a nice cuppa...don't you want one of these lovely scones, kades--they are Soo good, have one with me--this berry jam tastes just like the huckleberries i used to pick by the pail in the woods--so yummy. you'd never know these scones aren't from scratch. kades, you know, you have your very own special, magical touch when it comes to food and cooking. you know you do, kades. everybody agrees, everyone says so. you know how they say some people have a green thumb because they're good at growing plants? well, what you've got, are these super sweet and savory thumbs--in fact, in your case it has probably spread to all of your fingers and toes, kades....oh, look at the time--thanks for the scones treat, sweetie..such. a nice break from a busy day.....
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Glancing over this jar of Apricot Habañero Jam Shrek bought. I bet this would be good in some scones...

Ah! Mini Buckwheat Scones with craisins, those will be really good. First I soak the craisins in a little orange juice...

I love scones, they go together quickly and wait for you to bake them in the morning.
Please HELP

I dropped of some freshly ground coffee beans for you to enjoy while I am at work. I also wanted to call your attention to the petition on the front counter and ask you to sign it to do your part in preventing unsafe pastries and related medical problems.

Hundreds of thousands of people each year suffer injuries related to eating S.Cones. Complaints range from digestive disorders to injuries of the hand and arm whilst attempting to cut them. In order to prevent future injuries, the petition asks that scones adopt a new name to avoid confusion. In future we hope that scones can be officially renamed to muffiscuits, i.e. part muffin and part biscuit.

Please remember to sign to show your support.



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Your muffiscuit, Sir! Dab of black cherry jam?

Oooooh! This coffee is nice! Thanks .40.
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nice to see you again, .40. the coffee you left is divine! you ought to put it into k cups, make some money.:) i signed your petition, .40, but i really think those s.cone people should be made to change THEIR name, instead. i don't see why i should be made to learn some new fru-fru name for my scones, after all these years. i was one of their victims, btw. good thing i didn't get sick from a s.cone--i very nearly did, though. for a scone, the texture was incredibly brittle and sharp! i ruined one of my good serrated knives, trying to cut into the darn thing....
A word about the other scones -- I recently heard a well-mannered British person explain politely to one of us uncivilized types over here that the word "scone" is pronounced more like "scun" (like the word "one") and not like "scohne" as I've been saying my whole life. I think it's too late for me, but maybe this note can save an innocent youth from offending a British ear. If, indeed, this is true and not some sort of Ricky Gervais joke. :ermm:
I dropped of some freshly ground coffee beans for you to enjoy while I am at work. I also wanted to call your attention to the petition on the front counter and ask you to sign it to do your part in preventing unsafe pastries and related medical problems.

Hundreds of thousands of people each year suffer injuries related to eating S.Cones. Complaints range from digestive disorders to injuries of the hand and arm whilst attempting to cut them. In order to prevent future injuries, the petition asks that scones adopt a new name to avoid confusion. In future we hope that scones can be officially renamed to muffiscuits, i.e. part muffin and part biscuit.

Please remember to sign to show your support.


Ohmygosh! Heeeeeeeeeeeee-larious!

I've brought you some lovely Asian Pears for you all to munch on. They are so juicy!
my keurig suddenly stopped working evening before last. don't know for sure, but i think i might be having a reaction to the deprivation of my usual 5-6 infusions of caffeine every day. all i am really though, is woefully out of sorts--at loose ends, irritated and terribly scattered. my plan was to come by here, and load up on some high octane coffee, so's i can get some sleep tonight.--strange, but true.

my keurig is barely two years old! besides which, i thought my model was one of the 'good' ones. i am so po'd at everything keurig at the moment. yet, at the same time, i have all but sealed a deal to buy another, b40 model to replace my b60 one. none of this makes sense, i know, except for one undeniable fact--life without an uninterrupted source of good coffee is not an option for me. not any more. not if my last 1 1/2 days is any indicator....
i was going to post this in the petty vents thread, but then i figured if anybody can relate to this, my latest dilemma, it's you, my fellow coffee drinkers. i hope to be back to 'normal' soon. thanks for listening, coffee- mates....:)
My Coffee Maker has dust on it. I've been drinking instant for months and I hardly ever eat cookies. I'll have herbal tea and pumpkin seeds with you Laurie :)
This is a great thread by the way V :) I just don't have the patients to wait for coffee. We have really good instant and it only takes 2 mins :LOL:

It has been eons since I had a cup of instant coffee. Now if someone offers me a cup of instant, I take water or a cup of tea instead. :angel:
my keurig suddenly stopped working evening before last. don't know for sure, but i think i might be having a reaction to the deprivation of my usual 5-6 infusions of caffeine every day. all i am really though, is woefully out of sorts--at loose ends, irritated and terribly scattered. my plan was to come by here, and load up on some high octane coffee, so's i can get some sleep tonight.--strange, but true.

my keurig is barely two years old! besides which, i thought my model was one of the 'good' ones. i am so po'd at everything keurig at the moment. yet, at the same time, i have all but sealed a deal to buy another, b40 model to replace my b60 one. none of this makes sense, i know, except for one undeniable fact--life without an uninterrupted source of good coffee is not an option for me. not any more. not if my last 1 1/2 days is any indicator....
i was going to post this in the petty vents thread, but then i figured if anybody can relate to this, my latest dilemma, it's you, my fellow coffee drinkers. i hope to be back to 'normal' soon. thanks for listening, coffee- mates....:)

I wish I was there Vit so I could go over it and find out why it quit.
I wish I was there Vit so I could go over it and find out why it quit.

thanks, sweetie.:) this afternoon, my home health helper will be bringing me my next "doomed" keurig coffeemaker. she is selling it to me, new-in-the-box, for under a hundred dollars! (nicely friend-priced):)
nuts as i am to be even contemplating another keurig purchase under the circumstances, the idea of being able to immediately resume my coffee k cup rituals this very day, is an immense relief to my poor frayed and frazzled nerves....:mellow:

i have a half-loaf of a buttery brioche, a special bakery treat (from our 'flour garden') to go with the test coffees i'll be brewing in a little while....(smile)

i'll be here, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, tomorrow morning, back to black....(a.w.)
vitauta, did you register your brewer on Keurig.com? They replaced mine when I phoned to tell them something was making a weird noise. Completely free of charge. They might send you a new one if you call. Their customer service was pretty darned fine the times I had to call them.
vitauta, did you register your brewer on Keurig.com? They replaced mine when I phoned to tell them something was making a weird noise. Completely free of charge. They might send you a new one if you call. Their customer service was pretty darned fine the times I had to call them.

i'm quite certain that i did register the keurig, but not online. i recall taking the product id numbers off of its packing box. where on the machine would i find those numbers, do you know? it's worth checking out....

my new 'elite' coffee machine is not much different from the old b60 one--size-wise, at least. it brews coffee just the same, i.e., perfectly! :)

the san francisco bay "fog chaser" coffee k cups arrived yesterday. loving this sfb coffee! color me happy!-- love the honest, no-nonsense bold taste, love that it only costs 39 cents per mug, and love too, the earth-friendly pods. they look a lot like a teabag, wearing a little cap. :)

i am going to be a happy camper, with the sfb brand as my everyday coffee, still buying other flavors in small quantities to satisfy any special taste or whim of mine....

i'm leaving a bunch of the sfb fog chaser k cups here, at our little coffeehouse for you all to try. enjoy....:)

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