Dinner Saturday 15th December

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That would be the ingredients, which looks like it includes mushrooms. And the cheese. Look up at my post above yours. I watched them building these on TV yesterday and listed the layers. The only sauce is on top. :yum:
Pizza Paradise was on right after HOT DOG PARADISE :angel:

It does looks yummy! I usually like thin base pizza but this looks more like a pie. The filling looked like sauce, my eyesight sucks :LOL:
Last night, I made seared scallops with veggie risotto topped with shaved Parmesan. Oh, so good. Picked up the scallops from a local seafood purveyor.


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Thanks! I did them in my cast-iron skillet with 1 tbsp. butter and 1 tbsp. evoo. Three minutes on the first side, one minute on the other and left them in the pan off heat while I finished the risotto. Man, that turned out good :chef: I love scallops, but at $18/lb., they're an occasional treat.

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