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middie said:
okay all i had a very long day so i'm turning in. goodnight everyone. sweet dreams.

Good night, Middie. Sleep well!

Good to see you Bang!! :) But count me out on the tarot readings.

How is your brother doing?
I'm just grabbing a cup of coffee, spoonful of peanut butter, & a banana to go! I'm of with the kids & my mom for a day at the Norris Community Fest thingy. The land of free food, drinks, games, rides, music, & blood pressure! I guess they have to do free blood pressure screenings because of all the fried foods they're feeding people.:rolleyes: I'll see y'all later! Have a great day!!:)
Ugh...coffee...strong and black. I froze my butt off last night watching daughter #1 play ball. It SAID it was 72 but let me tell you the wind felt like about 2!!! I ache all over from shivering and I have it to do again with both girlies all day today.
Took a handful of ibuprofen already. Ahhhh, thanks for the coffee. I need another vat of it to take with me. Wish us all luck! It is SUPPOSED to be warm today, but it is still windy. BLECH, I have eaten enough shale already!
Ok....the cellar will be done Monday. Things are better here. Boomboom wil be doing Tarot Readings for free in the lounge.
middie said:
sounds like alot of fun crewsk ! take me too !!!

We had a great time! The kids had their first pony rides today while we were there. I was worried that Savannah would be scared because they put her on the biggest one there. She had a blast though & didn't want to get off!:mrgreen: TC got stuck on the smallest pony but he got on it like he had been riding all his life.

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Awwwwwww!!!! :mrgreen: cute!!!!! I wish I was horseback riding right now. How was the weather there? Looked a bit rainy. It was pouring in Chicago yesterday. Huge storm. Alas no lightning. :( I LOVE a good storm! :)
Hey, we just got a box of Chayotes in. What in heck ARE these things??? :unsure:

And no tarrot readings please. Carrot readings.... yes. Tarrot readings.... no.
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like damp i wanna go horseback riding now

Damp? :rolleyes:

Well, Im going to clean the place up, and then Im off to bed.
Damp? :rolleyes:

oh sush i'm so sorry !!!! i was half asleep when i read that !!! i feel terrible now.
alix where's that coffee ???
Alix said:
Ungh. Coffee....cooooofffeeeee. *zombie walking to the pot*

EMPTY! :angry: *making fresh*

*Thier rushes over with coffee for Alix...* Here ya go...Whoops!! Almost tripped over the cat. Watch out, Alix!
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