Do you carry a pill fob?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Jul 14, 2008
Park Drive Bar/Grill Los Angeles
I carry 2 on my key chain since I had a stent installed almost 2 years ago.

The skinny one on the left contains several nitro pills (never had to take one yet)

The one of the right contains my two daily meds (baby aspirin and cholesterol) in case I'm away from home to take them.

But being a minimalist I hate hanging stuff off my key chain. IMG_0714.jpg
I have Pepcid in my fob. My meds are in a prescription bottle (a LARGE bottle) in my purse. I carry 2 doses of each pill.
Like GG said, I've never heard of pill fobs either - but what a great idea!

So far...I don't take any meds. Who knows when that may change, though.
No fobs. But you should check your nitro pills periodically as they disintegrate over time.
Do they explode when they hit the garbage can?

That would be so cool.

Until you have to buy a lot of garbage cans.
When I've needed to carry a day or two worth of meds (just two pills), I use the contact lens cases that come in my solutions kit. They have screw-on caps; I prefer the flip style for my lenses.
I had one back in my backpacking/wilderness camping days. They are waterproof. I just carried ibuprofen or allergy medicines.

We often eat out so I carry 2 pill pouches.. One with AM pills and one with PM pills.. I take my pills with food.. I changes them out weekly..



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I also have a fob for my nitro on my key chain. I have a two day AM/PM case in my purse for my meds. If I need for longer time period I just take my weekly case with me.
Do they explode when they hit the garbage can?

That would be so cool.

Until you have to buy a lot of garbage cans.

Yeah, but the fun of it all would be worth it.

I don't carry a pill thingie on my key chain. I have a cute little zipper case that holds my stuff that I toss down into my purse. I not only carry my prescription meds (cholesterol, BP and anxiety) but I also carry around aspirin, vitamins and anti-diarrheal pills in case my IBS kicks in while I'm out.

Yeah, but the fun of it all would be worth it.

I don't carry a pill thingie on my key chain. I have a cute little zipper case that holds my stuff that I toss down into my purse. I not only carry my prescription meds (cholesterol, BP and anxiety) but I also carry around aspirin, vitamins and anti-diarrheal pills in case my IBS kicks in while I'm out.


I do the same Linda, and here's a picture of my little pill case I picked up on my first visit to Hawaii more than 30 years ago.


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I do the same Linda, and here's a picture of my little pill case I picked up on my first visit to Hawaii more than 30 years ago.

OMG! That is so cute.

I used to carry my Ativan around in this tiny little pill box. Now that I have more meds to carry with me, I've since retired this little box and use my small zipper case.

I miss this one, though. I bought it specifically for my Ativan, since the stuff has literally saved my sanity on a number of occasions.


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