Do you cut your husband's hair?

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I cut my DH's hair once....that's how he ended up with a shaved head!!! Ooops!!! He has kept it that way ever since and now I can't imagin him with hair!!!
:) DH is also too cheap to go to a barber. I'm terrible at it. The first time I used clippers and it was really bad bald patches all over. Now I use scissors t sometimes it's pretty good and sometimes not good at all.:LOL: If I start giggling or laughing out loud while I'm cutting he knows it's gonna be a bad one. I just cut mine myself not so good I cut a little too short so now I look like Dora the Explorer:LOL: but it puts up good.The good thing is I got 14 inches which I sent to Locks of Love.
My husband charges $10 here.. Barbers tend to raise their price by $1.00 every couple of years... We laugh at how big of a fit all the old men threw when he started charging $10 instead of $9.00
Yup! One buzzer, a dozen attachments and I do my own. And yes I used to use it in my Springer Spaniel, but now that she is gone and both our current dogs are short hair, only my son and I use it now.

What a Coinkidink..........:LOL:

Been cuttin hubby's hair for several years now. Getting better as each year goes, but by no means does he get to cut my hair!!!!
I miss her...

I opened this thread and scrolled down to the picture, and before I could say anything my three year old screams "fe fe, fe fe!!". My dogs name was Ophelia, everyone called her fe fe for short:


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Somewhere around here I have a picture of Ophelia with her head stuck in a ice cream tub. One of those round half gallon ones. If I find it I will put it up, just not sure where it is right now! It took us several minutes of her wandering around bumping into things to pay attention to her and realize what she had done, she really did love her ice cream.;)
This an interesting post.

My husband always insist me to learn hair cutting because then I can cut his hair.

Today I will show him this thread.

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