Easiest peanut butter fudge I've ever made!

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Katie H

Site Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
I live in the Heartland of the United States
Last night Glenn and I viewed an episode of Alton Brown's Good Eats in which he was discussing the part salt plays in all areas of cooking from sweet to savory. He prepared a couple of recipes that were of the sweet variety but the peanut butter fudge was the one that grabbed me by the throat.

When I have peanut butter fudge I'm taken back to my elementary school days and the annual fall festivals held there. There were all manner of bake sale items, all the "best" product of each lady who submitted her masterpiece. One of the best of the best of the best was one of the teachers who made the killer best peanut butter fudge. From then on peanut butter fudge has been one of my favorites and it always brings back those school time memories.


This morning while Glenn was taking his shower I made a pan of Alton's peanut butter fudge. Yes, it was just that quick and easy. All microwave and simple enough for even a youngster to handle with a big person observing. The only thing I did differently was I used chunky peanut butter because that's what I had.

Omigosh! One bite and I was 9-years-old again and gobbling up some of Mrs. Anderson's confection.

It's a do-again recipe for sure. If you are so inclined, here's the recipe.

I dare you to NOT make some soon...today?
DD had made it for the last couple of years in the microwave too. She didn't like making it the old fashioned way. It is very good made that way.
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