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I said locomotive... not train. But Pacanis is partly correct. Stoker is one term, but "fireman" is the most correct.

Ahhhh,,, Andy got it!!!
Train stuff in the US must be different, cuz up here, he's called the conductor. Dad would spin in his grave if I didn't know that one.

This is a steam engine if that makes a difference.
Give it to Andy then, because when I read his answer I knew he was correct.
This is a steam engine if that makes a difference.

I don't know the difference between steam and other trains. As I understand it, in the simplest terms, the engineer handles the front of the train and the conductor the back. C'est la vie. I'll get one of these sooner or later, and then watch out! I got some toughies lined up for y'all!

OK, if you have Monkshood and Foxglove in your garden you have two very poisonous plants. Which one is the antidote to the other?
Monkshood is the antidote to foxglove (digi... something or other)?
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Nope, foxglove (digitalis) is the antidote to monkshood (aconite).

How about a rhubarb question instead? What is the name of the toxic chemical in rhubarb leaves?
I don't know the chemical, but I do know that heat neutralizes it...

Oh, well, maybe next time... :blink: :LOL:
Heat neutralizes it? I didn't know that. I thought it kept its molecular structure intact when heated. (Off to Google!)
Heat neutralizes it? I didn't know that. I thought it kept its molecular structure intact when heated. (Off to Google!)

I just read that oxalic acid (the poison in the leaves), is hygroscopic (water seeking). The heat doesn't neutralize the poison per se, but draws it out into the water and creates a dilution, reducing the oxalic content in the leaves to the point of being less harmful.

Sorry to get off track... Alix, go again.
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Nope, you got it Selkie. AND you taught me something to boot. Double win! I have to go get ready for work so take it away. I'll catch up with you all tomorrow sometime.

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