Famous Movie Lines Game

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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wow, I can't believe I got that. Only movie with the name being an adjective I could think of.

This is one of the only things I could get from this otherwise offensive(but hilarious) movie...

"Great job, team. Head back to headquarters for debriefing and cocktails!"
wow, I can't believe I got that. Only movie with the name being an adjective I could think of.

This is one of the only things I could get from this otherwise offensive(but hilarious) movie...

"Great job, team. Head back to headquarters for debriefing and cocktails!"

Team America: World Police.

"I did not achieve this position in life by having some snot-nosed punk leave my cheese out in the wind."
phinz said:
"The private life is dead for a man with any manhood"

Dr. Zhivago

All dames are alike: they reach down your throat and they can grab your heart, pull it out and they throw it on the floor, step on it with their high heels, spit on it, shove it in the oven and cook the **** out of it. Then they slice it into little pieces, slam it on a hunk of toast, and serve it to you and then expect you to say, "Thanks, honey, it was delicious."
Edit: Ken's is Dead Men don't wear plaid. I'm too slow.

Tough one for you phinz, "What a greasy horror show..."
Alix said:
Edit: Ken's is Dead Men don't wear plaid. I'm too slow.

Tough one for you phinz, "What a greasy horror show..."

I know this one!

Can I guess?


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I have to like Trailer Park Boys, because they like Rush! Rush is one of my faves. In fact, they've been playing on my iPod all morning. :mrgreen:

"Are they missing limbs? I hate it when they're missing limbs."
Alix said:

"I have 33,000 offspring, all in private school."

Santa Clause 2

"He says he will sell you a blind camel. He says he also knows of a camel with a crippled leg and no teeth. Would you like a dead camel?"

"Well, the Sister was right. You boys could use a little churching up."
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