I got family in Mt. Pleasant. Really I have family all over the state. One time I went to Oscoda, at which before that had never been there in my life. An older gentleman walked up to me, grabbed my arm, and proceeded to tell me my family history. Normally I would not think anything of it, just a nice old man, wanting someone to talk to right? Only this time it was a bit different, he knew me by name, and new a whole deal about my family. Not to mention this was the ONLY time I had set foot in this town. After a few minutes, I asked him how he knew me, and of my family. He said he had known my grandfather, and my father. Then he looked me straight in the eye and said, think about it, you all look alike, and have the same damn name, there was a good chance you, were you. Then he just smiled, I have to admit, I kinda had a shitty grin on my face too. Old gentleman 1, young whipper snapper 0.