Clancy's Parmesan Pancetta Potato Chips Review...

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004

Well this was the other flavor of chips they had for sale and picked this one up as well.

The bag did have some large sized chips here.

The chops had a good crunch

Cheese flavor was present. Meat flavor not so much.

Did not like this flavor here much at all.

A thumbs in the middle for me and a skip.
View attachment 68482

Well this was the other flavor of chips they had for sale and picked this one up as well.

The bag did have some large sized chips here.

The chops had a good crunch

Cheese flavor was present. Meat flavor not so much.

Did not like this flavor here much at all.

A thumbs in the middle for me and a skip.

Wow! A bagful of sodium🤣!
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