Fish Tacos

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Executive Chef
Oct 7, 2009
San Diego CA
Simple meal and post today. Cod cut into small strips and marinaded in cilantro, lime, garlic and olive oil then cooked on the grill

Corn tortillas warming up

Plated. Fish tacos had cabbage, tomato, chipotle mayo, store bought salsa and hot sauce. Sides were smashed pinto beans and mopales salad,
Ahhh V, wonderful as usual. I just realized I feel sorry for your children because once they move out on their own they will have a moment "This amazing food would magically appear everyday and now I've only got Ramen noodles?" Actually now I feel sorry for you because now the kids will never want to leave home!
Dittos on the accolades. Very nice. When should we expect to start seeing you rubbing shoulders..or bumping hips with Rachel Ray and Alton etc? On TV of course.

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