Friday 4/28/2017 What's on the menu?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
I have planned "Unsloppy" Joe's.
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Heading to dinner with a dear friend, his parents, and his GF. Place is only open certain evenings, and it's a lot of froo froo, but we'll have fun.
Heading to dinner with a dear friend, his parents, and his GF. Place is only open certain evenings, and it's a lot of froo froo, but we'll have fun.

OOOOhhh...a froo froo place!! Whatcha gonna wear and show us the menu?

I'll be doing a huge grill basket tonight to use up an abundance of produce.
Maybe some grilled burgers for the side. :chef:
We are using the guanciale with pistachio, ramp pesto and rigatoni recipe from tha BA April issue with some subs. Pancetta for the guanciale since the Italian market didn't have any and garlic chives with bulbs since the only way we can get ramps here is to order them overnighted. They actually smell very similar, maybe not quite as garlicky.
I'm in the midst of tossing a batch of sesame noodles. We'll have that and some sausage for dinner tonight.
I'm not making dinner tonight. Instead, we had a big brunch earlier this afternoon. We'll be heading out to go to a show at the community theatre I "played" at when we first moved here. We'll be seeing their production of "100 Lunches". I know only two of the cast members. However, I have an idea my friend Billy will be playing the waiter (if so, the show will be hilarious!) and that my "granddaughter" from one of the productions I was in might be the critic-turned-playwright. It will be fun to find out if I'm right. ~ After the show, we'll probably end up at the local Applebee's (one of the more acceptable ones) for apps and drinks. Should all be fun!

Heading to dinner...and it's a lot of froo froo...
OOOOhhh...a froo froo place!! Whatcha gonna wear and show us the menu?...
Menu, Schmenu, I want to see a picture of Dawg all dolled up! :LOL:
I'm not making dinner tonight. Instead, we had a big brunch earlier this afternoon. We'll be heading out to go to a show at the community theatre I "played" at when we first moved here. We'll be seeing their production of "100 Lunches". I know only two of the cast members. However, I have an idea my friend Billy will be playing the waiter (if so, the show will be hilarious!) and that my "granddaughter" from one of the productions I was in might be the critic-turned-playwright. It will be fun to find out if I'm right. ~ After the show, we'll probably end up at the local Applebee's (one of the more acceptable ones) for apps and drinks. Should all be fun!

Menu, Schmenu, I want to see a picture of Dawg all dolled up! [emoji38]
Sounds great, CG!

Dawg, ditto!
It's hot and I don't want to cook. So I made curried chicken salad with already cooked chicken and we'll have that with the rest of the antipasto pasta salad and cottage cheese with sliced peaches and honey.
Grilled shrimp in a marinade of garlic, olive oil, and lemon juice, with a few shakes of cayenne. White basmati rice with sun dried tomatoes and scallions. Nuked green beans.
I have no clue. Today is the last day I have TB home on holidays so we tried to do a marathon of packing, getting stuff ready for people to pick up on the weekend and trying to rid ourselves of moths coming from the unit next door (we have a hole in our wall because their shower leaked and flooded our place two months ago. it still isn't fixed! Even covered in plastic the mold and moths are coming through.

I am hoping he will agree on Chinese take-out! :)
Fancy-schmancy kinda place Dawg?
Geez, we haven't been to a place like that since, um,
well when we went to visit my Mother in California last December.
It's a good thing that I made DH save one gonin' to meetin' "outfit",
and I could hardly get through the evening with those shoes, OY!
But it was all worth it.
I would like to hear what everyone ordered...

DH went out to lunch with Mr. Dear Friend, his lifelong buddy from back East;
they went to an Italian joint (natch ;) ) and they both ordered
Rigatoni and meatballs with an extra order of Garlic knots...
so it's Entree Salads tonight.
I've got leftover grilled Flank Steak and Salmon from the past coupla nights,
yeah, that'll do.
I made of crushed pineapple upside down cake for dessert, but the sugar on the bottom BURNED!! DANG IT!!
Our dinner. Wow, I thought the chives were garlicky when they were raw. That little bit of heat from the pasta, OMG, garlic, garlic, garlic. Glad the only person within kissing or breathing distance tonight is Craig since he ate the same thing.

Thanks LPB. It is a good recipe even though it's very garlicky. We both really liked it and pronounced it a make again.

We found the garlic chives with bulbs at the oriental market BTW.
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Thanks LPB. It is a good recipe even though it's garlicky. We both really liked it and pronounced it a make again.

We found the garlic chives with bulbs at the oriental market BTW.

I'm going all Cuban on Sunday, so I'll be using a whole lot of garlic.

Definitely try soaking ripe plantains in salted garlic water if you are using. It makes a big diff in flavor.
Medtran is that the recipe posted with spinach pasta and garlic? Looks fanstastic and is on my "very important to do" list! so it won't be long!
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