Frying Pan or Griddle?

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Master Chef
Mar 25, 2008
Cam (will be 18 next week), I taught him how to make pancakes a few weeks ago. Yesterday he wanted MORE pancakes. (can you say OINK :pig: and why can kids this age eat everything and anything and make you poor) I gave him a recipe for buttermilk pancakes. They were heavy (like boulders in your stomach), some over cooked some under cooked. We made them in a frying pan but couldn't get the heat right. We served them with highbush cranberry syrup and had mixed a little raspberry extract into the syrup.
When I was growing up we had a griddle that fit over two burners (gas stove), I liked that.
In my 20's we had an electric griddle (square, and could be set to any temperature) which worked great for pancakes.
I want to get him something to take with him when he moves out sometime in the next 20 years (or next year).
What would be the nicest gift for him so he can make pancakes? A griddle, an electric frying pan, something else?
Thanks ~Bliss
I know the type of griddle you're talking about, blissful. We have one, but much prefer our electric griddle. It gets used at least once a week. Great for more than just pancakes. I cook bacon and sausage on it as well because it has a drain with a reservoir that catches the fat that drains off. Also use it for grilled cheese sandwiches (in quantity).

If you can find an electric skillet with a nonstick surface, that might be the most versatile appliance to give him. Electric skillets can be used in a multitude of ways. Just my thoughts.
When I went to college about a million years ago, my mother sent me off with an electric skillet, a small refrigerator, and a coffee pot. I was the go-to place for breakfast, grilled cheese, ham steaks, and to reheat day old pizza--and anything else that needed to be cooked. The food I could make in that skillet! Sometimes I wonder why I need all this other stuff I've accumulated over the years! So, yes, I agree with Katie, Alix, and Loppraine.
An electric frying pan is a good idea for its versatility.

Also consider a panini press/griddle combo. For example, I have a Cuisinart griddler that has interchangeable plates so you can use it to make pancakes and quesadillas or grill meats or make panini sandiwches. We got ours at Costco for under $100.
Thanks you gals (err and guys) for the opinions. I think that you are all right, the electric griddle is the way to go. It will serve him well and only God knows what his living conditions will be once he moves (if he moves).:LOL:
I'm thinking a stainless steel electric frying pan........
I was a college student a couple years ago , and I think that the electric grill would be the way to go . That way , regardless of his living situation , in dorms, or with roomates, he will be able to make use of it .

I love the type of griddle that you are talking about though. The one that takes up two burners. It is awesome for breakfasts and i adore the smaller version ( one burner ) for hashbrowns.
Maybe you should start another thread titled, "how can I get my 18 year-old son to move out?'
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes you are right except, I don't want him to leave yet, and I do want him to become independent and feel that sense of accomplishment for the responsibility for himself that we've been working toward for the past 18 years. I'm torn about it.
I know how to get him to move. Plan A: sell the house and move. Plan B: (this worked with the other boys)1. chores (you know they don't have chores once they move out, ha ha) 2. no girlfriends upstairs or overnights. 3. chip in with rent if you are not going to school or saving for school.
Easy plan works every time. They sure do like coming over for dinner now, and they stopped taking everything for granted. Sigh, relief.
I started shopping for electric griddles. Wow there are some beauties out there, from $299 down to $37. I don't think he's going to appreciate the top models so I'll look around for something in the middle ground. Thank you for all the help! ~Bliss
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