Good things to throw into soup to make it taste good

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Senior Cook
May 3, 2020
I just use ginger. It does the job well, but I am just wondering if there are other simple wholesome ingredients I can use, to make my soup taste better.

Nothing complicated! I like my recipes to be simple :P
Charlie shared a recipe for solyanka, a Russian soup. It had a lot of interesting things that each might perk up a soup. There was some chopped up dill pickle. There were olives (black and / or green). There were also cut up cold cuts. There was lots of other stuff and I love the soup, but I think any one of those three that I mentioned could kick up a soup.
It depends on what kind of soup you’re making. I wouldn’t put ginger in French onion soup, for example.

Like Andy said, vinegar does work well in a lot of soups.
Depending on the soup, I put some hot sauce on the table for people to add. I add it to soups, especially homemade ham and bean soup. Hot sauce is something I think should be added after serving, by the people eating it.

Always start with a stone and go from there. 😉

Once upon a time, a hungry traveler happened upon a small cottage in a small village. He knocked on the cottage door and asked the peasant that opened it if he could have some food.
The peasant said, “I’m sorry, but we’ve already eaten dinner and have no food left to cook.”
The traveler said, “Well, could I borrow a soup pot and some water and I’ll make Stone Soup.”
The traveler sat outside by the fire and the soup pot stirring the stone in the water. I passer-by stumbled upon the traveler and said, “Mmm, that smells good. What are you making?”
“Stone Soup,” replied the traveler. “I’d be happy to share it if you could lend me an onion.” The passer-by returned some minutes later with an onion.
Another passer-by noticed the boiling pot and said, “Mmm, that smells good. What are you making?”
“Stone Soup,” replied the traveler. “I’d be happy to share it, if you could lend me a carrot.” And this passer-by returned some minutes later with a carrot.
And so went the evening, with many people returning with different ingredients to contribute to the Stone Soup and at the end of the night, the traveler had made a big pot of Stone Soup to share with the village and they all enjoyed the warm meal together by the fire.
- If it's some kind of Italian, tomato based soup, the rind of parmesan cheese goes a long way. Also, a Tbs +/- of tomato paste gives its that ' its been cooking all day' flavor to its.
- In Asian soups, I like to sprinkle some MSG, slice shiitake a few drops of sesame oil, white pepper
- Bean soups, split pea ... Ill add a few drops of liquid smoke ( a little goes a long way)
- A bay leaf also adds a lot of underlying flavor ( so does thyme) but both soup specific
- 'Cream of ' soups, I like white pepper. Adds a little heat along with a unique flavor.
Everyone's suggestions are great - I'll have to keep them in mind!

Yesterday I added a good splotch of Worcestershire Sauce to my Minestrone type of soup. The liquid was beef broth, no tomatoes, and that sauce added just the right touch.
- If it's some kind of Italian, tomato based soup, the rind of parmesan cheese goes a long way. Also, a Tbs +/- of tomato paste gives its that ' its been cooking all day' flavor to its.
- In Asian soups, I like to sprinkle some MSG, slice shiitake a few drops of sesame oil, white pepper
- Bean soups, split pea ... Ill add a few drops of liquid smoke ( a little goes a long way)
- A bay leaf also adds a lot of underlying flavor ( so does thyme) but both soup specific
- 'Cream of ' soups, I like white pepper. Adds a little heat along with a unique flavor.

MSG can add a little something to any soup. I have to be careful with sodium, and with MSG, I can actually add more flavor with less sodium than salt.


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