Grape vine must die.

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Sous Chef
Mar 1, 2009
Got a grapevine I wanna kill. I've trimmed it countless times and hate it. It's huge and grows like crazy so it's gotta go, but it's under my fence so I think I might damage the fence if I pull it out. Here's what I attempted today.
bigwheel said:
Well hmmm. Looks like all you need is a little diesel and a blasting cap.


I thought about diesel, but I would like to keep the soil usable.
46-0-0? If that don't kill it, nothing will. Dad used diesel fuel on a asparagus patch at the old farm. Did the job, but grandma and mom were pissed! Damn patch was over 50 years old.

Come spring, cut off the new shoots and paint Roundup on the freshly cut stumps. Doing it now probably won't help since the vine is ready to go dormant.

OR spray the $#!& out of it with the Roundup, if there's nothing else in the immediate area you want to survive.
Well the Dirt Doctor (Howard Garrett) on the local radio show say to drill holes down in it and fill it up with mollases or something similar might could Google up the full recipe. Anyway if you do that the bugs will eat it. Now this was for tree stumps. He did not include or exclude grapevine stumps.


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