Guess what this is a photo of!

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Barbara L said:
Is it a cotamundi/coati? It doesn't look quite like the pictures I've seen though--is it a baby?

Nope. It is full grown and resides in Australia. Specifically, Western Australia.
ding ding ding ding ding - - We have a winnah

I thought it only fitting after the 'wombat' picture to follow with the numbat.
At Alix's request, here's a pic... what is it?


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OK, So it is now BananaBrain's turn to post a picture. I know many of us enjoy this thread so lets try to keep it active. If someone hasn't posted within say...24 hours...lets say it is open season and anyone can jump in. Does that sound fair?
Peter Brady on the Brady Bunch. I'll be right back with my picture.

OK, what is this a picture of and where is it?
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Awwe, man, that didn't last long. I guess he's a celebrity now and all. But I was a fan of him BEFORE the surreal life gig, ever since I saw the brady reunion on TV land.
Banana Brain, just how old ARE you? LOL!! That was a "no brainer" to those of us who grew up watching the Brady Bunch. "Oh my nose!" ...sorry folks, just had to tease BB a bit. Back to the photo at hand.

And no BB, it is on earth and real.


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23 1/2.
How is it a no brainer besides Chris Knight's current celeb status from marrying top-model girl? He looks nothing like he did back in the 70s.
Banana Brain--I thought he looked a lot like he did when he did the Brady Bunch. Plus he was a little older when then did the reunion movies.

You're driving me nuts with this one Alix! But I'm working on it!

:) Barbara
BB I grew up watching the Brady Bunch so that picture was like looking at an old friend. There is no mistaking him for those of us who watched that show.

Alix I have no idea what that picture is, but I am VERY curious. Whatever it is, it looks amazing.
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