Guess what this is a photo of!

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It looks like there is a flame coming out of the center top of it. Is that what I am seeing? Is it some kind of old bunsen burner or some kind of burner used to heat things in test tubes up?

A scarifactor - method of letting blood out.

Octagonal Scarificator c. 1890.
The scarificator was designed in the early 1700s as a more merciful bloodletting device. At the flick of the release lever, multiple blades shot out to create an instantaneous series of parallel cuts. Raising and lowering the base with the knob on the top could adjust the cutting depth of the thirteen blades of this octagonal scarificator.
Wow, that is the second one of those I have seen this week, but this one looks much different. I saw the other one on eBay. What are the odds? LOL

Probably too easy, so be specific.
And no, I don't mean the ruler :rolleyes: What are those other things?

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