Happy Birthday Mudbug!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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I made you a Birthday Cake but
a Mud Bug got into it...sorry
Happy Birthday anyway :flowers:


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Well, ya get down da fiddle and ya get down da bow.
Kick off your shoes and ya throw ‘em on da flo...
Dance in the kitchen 'til till we "cut the rug"
Happy, Happy, Birthday Miss Mudbug......;)
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happy birthday to my one and only virtual big sister.

it's great to be chatting here with you again, like old times.

here's wishing many more years of laughs, and head bops, and all of the reasons we love you so much.

all the best, and laissez les bon temps rouler, ma soeur.
Can't speak any French (well, I can count can count to six:LOL:), but I can wish you the very, happiest of birthdays. You are one of the special people here on DC. And I still love teh playfull patter that used to go on between you, BT, Myself, and a few others. I was sad when people quit visting the famous Mudbug virtual hot tub. That was fun.

Promise, I won't even throw a virtual water-balloon at you on your day. I hope you have a great time. And if I'm a day late, I hope you had a great day.:rolleyes:

Seeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
thanks to my new and old friends (Uncle Bob, buckaroo, and the G-weed) for more lovely wishes. It's great to be back.

G-weed, we might have to re-open the Hot Tub. Unfortunately, pool boy Jose got married and his wife wants him to get a "real" job now.
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