Have to Apologize....

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Head Chef
Mar 25, 2005
Houston TX
Im going to apologize for being a little rude and abrasive recently. alot of stuff is going on in my life. For one, im taking over a business, and also starting a hotsauce business. for another i just got out of rehab so have been bone dry sober for first time in 10 years.

My girlfriend is moody and very pregnant.

I just got out of surgery and have to wear some crappy undergarment. im on pain meds that make me loopy.

I will make an effort to fight through it and remain courteous.

I'm sorry.
that's no excuse legs.

oh wait, you said she was pregnant.

umm, geez, we're sorry, we didn't understand. you poor, poor man. :)

(really, no prob dude. no skin off anyone's back. say something funny once in a while and the admins will let you get away with anything... hee hee)

and good bye my friends, as soon as one of them sees this. :cool:

i need to get a life.
That's a lot of stress to cope with all at once, MLB. Hope all is better with you soon, and best of luck with all of it!


P.S. Very nice apology, I thought.
Thanks Leg! That really is a lot to handle all at once. If there is anything we can do to help, just let us know. You have a lot of friends here who care about you.

Just don't go to Buckytom as he has been banned :devilish: j/k :-p
Mylegsbig said:
I just got out of surgery and have to wear some crappy undergarment.
Let me look up that lingerie site where you can send your pictures :-p

Good luck man, just remember: after rain comes sunshine!
MLB, just remember that we all care about you here and wish nothing but well for you and your loved ones.

Hang in there and stay strong, I hope and believe everything will turn out for the better soon!!

Hey, we all have our days and want to snap. It's okay. Your appology says it all. Don't worry about it. Hope everything goes well for you!!
It takes a strong person to apologise graciously. I hope your burdens lighten soon.
Wow, that is a lot to deal with at once, Leg!

Hang in there, and best of luck with the businesses! If the hotsauce is half as good as it looks, it's sure to be a hit!

Sounds to me like you need a hug. Here you go!


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Hang in there and be strong! I was an awful pregnant wife and I whole heartedly admit it.......my hormones were out of this world......poor, poor DH. I did apologize to no end though. It'll be over before you know it in that respect and you'll have a wonderful bundle to love and enjoy. And think you'll be sober to enjoy it and a wonderful role model for your little one.
Don't know what the apology was for but it sure was a good one.
Best of luck in coping with your problems!
The baby will make up for most of them!

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