Have you put your cold weather 'clothes' on your bed yet?

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Head Chef
Dec 5, 2018
Columbus, Ohio
My bed is all ready for the colder weather, with my cutesie fleece bed linens that are 'ice' blue with big white snowflakes throughout. They're so comfy and cozy and very inviting, which makes going to bed pleasurable and super snuggy. There's just something special about crawling into bed on cold nights and cuddling up with the soft fleece and my cozy comforter.

What are your favorite bed clothes to use in winter? Fleece? Flannel? Etc?
Heck no!
Nothing on my bed except for mattress cover, me and my dog.
Southern hemisphere and 43 degrees day time temperature.
That's centigrade (so around 110 F)

But when winter comes, it will be a couple of duvets
One of my favourite things from Europe! Duvets!!! Fluffy and warm in winter - and can be surprisingly cool in summer. Don't know why.

One thing I dislike are flannel sheets. I prefer cool cotton or linen, even in winter. Fleece are great for snuggling in a chair or an extra blanket on the bed.
Most definitely! Have an electric blanket on my bed, and a couple of afghans that need to be washed just in case something happens and we lose power during a snowstorm or a nor'easter.
Not much changes.

If it gets really cold I fold the blanket in half to create an extra layer. 🤭

I need to buy a couple of new blankets but haven’t had much luck finding things that I’m familiar with.

Everything I see is either some sort of man made fleece or very expensive wool.

I may have to hit an estate sale and find a couple of blankets that someone put away because they were too good to use.
Looks like duvets are a popular fave.

I love the soft feel of fleece in winter, but in summer I have to have cool cotton. I can't sleep when I'm hot and fleece or anything heavier in summer definitely would not work for me.

On another note, does anyone else have to sleep with fans running, no matter the season? I can NOT sleep without my fans. I have two of them in my room. One way to wake me up instantly is to come into my room and turn my fans off :ROFLMAO:
One of the nifty things about duvets is duvet covers. When it gets hot in summer, a duvet cover with no duvet inside is just a bit heavier than a sheet and I find it easier to sleep with that tiny extra bit of weight. I guess it feels more "protective".

I used to like flannel sheets. But, at some point I had some flannel sheets that were old enough that they had pilled. They didn't show other signs of wear, so I used them. The pills made them itchy and I have been skeptical of flannel for sheets ever since.
I like a fan in summer - but I hate the noise. Drives me nuts I can sleep but...
I hear the fridge come on, I hear the furnace come on, I hear the freezer come on - I hear the sirens go by - I hear the trains.

Except between 5:45 when I just gone back to bed from letting the dog out at 5:20 and 7:00 am when I'm supposed to get up - by that time a bomb could go off and I wouldn't hear it.
I like a fan in summer - but I hate the noise. Drives me nuts I can sleep but...
I hear the fridge come on, I hear the furnace come on, I hear the freezer come on - I hear the sirens go by - I hear the trains.

Except between 5:45 when I just gone back to bed from letting the dog out at 5:20 and 7:00 am when I'm supposed to get up - by that time a bomb could go off and I wouldn't hear it.
The 'white noise' is the main reason I use fans. I can't sleep when it's dead quiet. Complete silence is what drives me nuts. I even have a small desk fan at my computer that runs the entire time I'm sitting here.
I love flannel sheets, but DH hates them, so ...
I have a LL Bean washable Wool Blanket made by Pendelton Wool Mills...
I call :poop:
This is the second one I've purchased and each of them have SHRUNK up so much, they don't even cover the top of the mattress! :poop: And they ain't cheap!
I sent the first one back, got a replacement (at an inflated extra cost to me of course) and then they changed their return policy.
I washed it, as instructed, and what do you think happened?
I can only use it on the guest bed, which is smaller than the Master Bed :poop::poop::poop::poop:
There's a device called a "bed jet". You could google it if you like. Essentially it's a heater/fan that sits under the bed and has a hose which comes up the side. It can blow cool air or warm air between the sheets, but we forsake the covers in the summer and only use it as a bed warmer in the winter. It's absolutely wonderful. We bought it eight or nine years ago for $300; it costs more now. But given that it shuts itself off after a bit and makes the bed all cozy and warm so we can drop off in comfort, it's a tremendous luxury.
I use a fan when it is hot.
I know a lot of people who always have one on, but I'm not one of them.

Fleece: I do like it, but in the dry season (which is our winter) the humidity is very low and me and fleece have this static reaction.
I prefer cotton. both as bedsheets, duvet cover and clothes
I keep flannel sheets on the bed year round because I love them. Extra blanket went on over a month ago when the temperatures were in the teens. We are expecting snow tomorrow. I have already put on a nice homemade Christmas quilt I bought a few years ago on eBay.
I layer in the summer, layer in the winter - doesn't matter, I like options (one of which is sleeping alone* no matter how much I love Himself). In cold weather I have flannel sheets bottom and top, followed by my winter weight blanket, followed by my medium weight down comforter in its own duvet cover. In the deep cold I even have a cotton or fleece throw across the foot of the bed that will come as high as my waist in case my lower body is chilled. When I can see spring in the offing, I swap out the winter blanket for my summer one and the bottom flannel sheet for a cotton one. A little warmer? Off goes the comforter/duvet and on goes two summer comforters. Why two? Because when I got to bed I like it warm, but as the sun warms the front of the house the bedroom gets warmer - so I toss off the top comforter to the floor and slip right back to sleep. When it's warm weather I have top and bottom cotton sheets, summer blanket, and the lighter weight summer comforter tops things alone. As autumn approaches, I reverse that order.

*We were both restless sleepers. From early in our marriage (1974), I would wake in the middle of the night, grab my pillow and alarm, and head for the guest bedroom (or couch, when we lived in apartments) a couple times a month. We continued this pattern for decades. Them Himself developed a back problem in 2000. He moved from bed to guest bed to couch cushions on the floor, to recliner - the poor guy never slept in the same place twice for a miserable six weeks until his surgery. Meanwhile, I slept somewhere else because any movement by me made him hurt more. Some of the best sleep I had in a while. After surgery we were back to one bed...and I was back to wandering to another one a couple times a week. Separate beds during his recovery from cracked ribs and a broken collarbone (motorcycle accident #1) and recovery from a broken thumb and the other collarbone broken (cycle accident #2 - and then the bike came off the insurance ;)) When we realized that we each got a better night sleep in separate rooms the nightly question became "do you want to go to bed, or do you want to go to sleep? :ROFLMAO: :mrgreen: It appears that we may have been at the forefront of a trend - just google "sleep divorce". As many as 1/3 married couples are happily married and even happier sleeping apart. Who knew!
As many as 1/3 married couples are happily married and even happier sleeping apart. Who knew!
Huh! I did not know that but it makes perfect sense. I wonder if more people tried that it would help broken marriages before they came completely apart.
and now I wonder - would "twin beds" of yore work? or is it the wall.
Huh! I did not know that but it makes perfect sense. I wonder if more people tried that it would help broken marriages before they came completely apart.
and now I wonder - would "twin beds" of yore work? or is it the wall.
I imagine that if it is needed because of the quiet restlessness, then twin beds would work. But, if there is loud snoring involved, then a different room would be more helpful. I just remembered "the blanket thief". Twin beds would solve that too.
My husband and I started sleeping apart a few years before he passed away (lost him to cancer at an early age) mostly because of his snoring. Every single night I would have to wake him to get him to stop, so neither one of us were getting any rest. He volunteered to sleep in the other room and it just became the norm for us. Needless to say, we were both getting the sleep we needed and we were both happier for it.
When doctor's asked me if I snore - I have no other answer than to tell them to ask my dog. I mean really - how am I supposed to know?

so now you're telling me when I wake up and the dog has left the room... I snore?
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