Home Run Inn Uncured Pepperoni Pizza Review...

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004

I was shopping in an Aldi's and they had this item for sale as a clearance based item.

What was 7.99 was all the way down to 3.99 for one pizza.

At 7.99 I did not think it was worth a purchase but at 3.99 it was a purchase for sure.

I baked it according to the directions on the back and tried it.

I do not think this was a bad pizza for sure.

Could have used some pepperoni imo.

The pizza dough was good but not amazing.

The cheese was good.

I would give this pizza a medium sized thumbs up at least.
I've had the Home Run Inn pizza before. It was just okay. Passable. Not something I would buy again, however, unless, like in your case, it's marked down very cheap.
I've had the Home Run Inn pizza before. It was just okay. Passable. Not something I would buy again, however, unless, like in your case, it's marked down very cheap.
They had around 6 of them left when I was at that place and had them at the clearance price. It was not worth a 7.99 price imo. A couple days later and they were all gone.
They had around 6 of them left when I was at that place and had them at the clearance price. It was not worth a 7.99 price imo. A couple days later and they were all gone.
They accomplished their mission, then. They were probably trying to get rid of them. So it worked, lol.
I hate the loophole that allow the uncured label. What a crock.
uncured pepperoni (no nitrites or nitrates added except for naturally occurring in celery juice and cherry powder, pork salt contains 2% or less of turbinado sugar, spices, flavorings celery juice powder, cherry powder, lactic acid starter culture oleoresin of paprika lime juice concentrate).

The celery juice powder and cherry juice powder are only added BECAUSE they are high nitrate ingredients. So it's still treated with nitrates.
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