Head Chef
Borderline shameless plug:
Tonight's episode will include the bistro my brother works at - Sea Rocket Bistro. He was there the night they filmed, but he's not sure if he made the cut. Anyhoo, it'll air on the Cooking Channel at 7:30PM EasternST/West Coast DirecTV. Not sure if Comcast will air it at 7:30 or 10:30PM.
http://www.searocketbistro.com/news/wat ... ine-dinner
http://www.cookingchanneltv.com/hook-li ... index.html
Tonight's episode will include the bistro my brother works at - Sea Rocket Bistro. He was there the night they filmed, but he's not sure if he made the cut. Anyhoo, it'll air on the Cooking Channel at 7:30PM EasternST/West Coast DirecTV. Not sure if Comcast will air it at 7:30 or 10:30PM.
http://www.searocketbistro.com/news/wat ... ine-dinner
http://www.cookingchanneltv.com/hook-li ... index.html