How to Cook a Dragon?

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OMG taxy, completely forgot you're TaxDragon!

Please be careful in your choices for assimilation. Some of them might really make stinky poop and our reputation will be soiled.
I have this...


  • unicorn meat.jpg
    unicorn meat.jpg
    52.8 KB · Views: 89
Did you know dragons like cat food? I think that's why the dragonettes Dragnlaw sent to watch over me over a year ago keep coming back. Their favorite is the Liver and Chicken.
Please don't give them Seafood or Fish cat food - when they burp they flame :rolleyes:


  • baby fire dragon.jpg
    baby fire dragon.jpg
    12.4 KB · Views: 54
Please don't give them Seafood or Fish cat food - when they burp they flame :rolleyes:

Chicken only household, mostly because that's the only thing Latte will eat. Latte will be 23 years old on the 4th, she gets what she wants. The other day she wanted my cheesecake, guess what she got and she loved it.
Chicken only household, mostly because that's the only thing Latte will eat. Latte will be 23 years old on the 4th, she gets what she wants. The other day she wanted my cheesecake, guess what she got and she loved it.

Though I was good to our cats, when we had cats, they would never have gotten my cheesecake, It cost me in excess of $20 for the ingredients, the the time, and careful technique to produce a creamy, delicious cheesecake. It was too good for a cat. They got little chunks of pork chicken beef, liver, turkey, and other table fare, and sometimes milk, or cream, but never, ever- cheesecake:ohmy:.

Dragons, well, they are excellent hunters. I don't think I could provide better food for them than they can get in the wild. Plus, they produce their own cooking flame.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
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prefered mode of cooking

Now there's a topic for yuh! Gas vs Electric vs Dragon Flame - which is your prefered mode for cooking. :LOL:

I must have the only cats in the world who won't eat canned cat food.

I serve it, they take two licks and leave it. Even then it has to be the 'pate', not shreds or anything else. I've given up trying to give them treats. The dog on the other hand, keeps hoping I will continue to try.

Actually they do like 'Temptations' and come running just like in the ads. And they also like the dry dog food - that's a special treat, if they can sneak one before the dog arrives.
Though I was good to our cats, when we had cats, they would never have gotten my cheesecake, It cost me in excess of $20 for the ingredients, the the time, and careful technique to produce a creamy, delicious cheesecake. It was too good for a cat. They got little chunks of pork chicken beef, liver, turkey, and other table fare, and sometimes milk, or cream, but never, ever- cheesecake:ohmy:.

Dragons, well, they are excellent hunters. I don't think I could provide better food for them than they can get in the wild. Plus, they produce their own cooking flame.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North

She only got a few tiny bites and she asked so could I say no?
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