I´m on the search for White Chocolate Fudge Cake

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Senior Cook
Feb 23, 2005
Hi everybody,

I´m searching for someone in a German baking forum a recipe for a:rolleyes:


Can anyone help her??:innocent: It:mrgreen: ´ll be very nice from you...

greetings from Germany
Hi Kara,

I know of this recipe for just that exact same title, but I'm not sure if you can get all the ingredients in Germany :( (I know that in Ireland I can't). But here it is just in case (it could likely be improvised to make due without the American products like Dream Whip, aka, frozen whip topping) here it is. White Chocolate Fudge Cake
Hi Jessica,

thank you so much for helping my friend...:-p It doesn´t matter for the ingredients... Some things we can improve here.. Ok. So let´s try it.:chef:

A big kiss for you from

karaburun said:
Hi Jessica,

thank you so much for helping my friend...:-p It doesn´t matter for the ingredients... Some things we can improve here.. Ok. So let´s try it.:chef:

A big kiss for you from


You are very welcome, I hope that the recipe works out for your friend.

Kisses back to you:flowers:

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