I Love Brisket!

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Smokey James

Keeper of the Flame
Nov 13, 2013
Howdy all,

It was a summer full of good smokes, and upon recollecting here, I thought I'd share one of my favorite triumphs at the pit - the venerable brisket flat. Man, I love these things! It went well enough. Started with a mustard slather, and then hit it liberally with some sucklebusters competition rub, all over, and then straight onto the WSM for a good long time. The aroma of hickory smoke and sizzling beef filled the patio. A light rain falling, tapping like Beethoven over the cooker. In between the rain, I tarried in my BBQ chair, napping aside the drifting plumes of hickory. There is nothing like a long, brisket smoke for a gentleman of leisure!

The flat stalled out at around around 170, like the big beef sometimes does. I knew how to handle it tho, and plucked another manly beverage from the ice box and made the acquaintance of my easy chair. If you're going to smoke a brisket, you best not be in a hurry! So I just sat back and let the smoke and heat do its thing.

I had to take this flat all the way to 203 internal before I felt it was done. And it was. Never foiled it. Chopped some up, and hit it with some sauce, and put it on a toasted bun, Carolina style. It was a sandwich to set a man straight it was. And one of the highlights of the summer at the pit. Should be some pictures attached if I did things right. I'm new around here, so, I'm still figuring stuff out.

Take care,


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Looks good. Takes a special person and pit to come with an edible flat cooked nekked. Congrats.
I'd personally like to see a brisket hit 215-my opinion though.

Sure, that would have probably worked too. Like many brisket smokes, it was getting late, and I was hungry. 203 seemed tender enough. Good is good tho.

Thanks Boozer!
Only briskets I ever had need to get up much past 200 had been shot up with Joe Ame's FAB. That really seems to delay the tendering up aspects..and that be in the foil. Yall must have some magic pits..or smoking funny stuff perhaps? lol.
B-dub, usually I can make sense of your posts after reading them twice, you lost me on this one brother. Are you saying that brisked should be cooked over 200? Or should not? WTF is joe ame's fab?
Boozer, I ain't sure what he meant either. Maybe he's the one smoking the funny stuff.
I don't do briskets by time or temp. I just let them go till they're done. This one happened to be around 203. As a general rule , least wise from what I've read, briskets are usually done in the 195 to 205 range. But truly, as the old saying goes, it's done when its done.

Well I just aint never been able to coax a nekked cooked brisket much past 200 prior to turning itself into a giant hunk of beef jerky. Highly outside of my experiences on a flat.
Well Ok..thought somebody started out this informative thread by cooking a nekked flat to 205 on a big WSM..then some other helpful person decided he shoulda went to 215...lol. Now we are wrapping at 170 and speaking of temps inside the foil. Yall get me cornfused sometimes. Talking to yall is sorta like talking to my wife..lol. She starts a story in the middle then works her way gradually back towards the beginning and the end. With my type of mental issues its helpful to present things in a logical sequence. Thanks.
Well Ok..thought somebody started out this informative thread by cooking a nekked flat to 205 on a big WSM..then some other helpful person decided he shoulda went to 215...lol. Now we are wrapping at 170 and speaking of temps inside the foil. Yall get me cornfused sometimes. Talking to yall is sorta like talking to my wife..lol. She starts a story in the middle then works her way gradually back towards the beginning and the end. With my type of mental issues its helpful to present things in a logical sequence. Thanks.

:D that's funniest post I read in a long time :D
Well Ok..thought somebody started out this informative thread by cooking a nekked flat to 205 on a big WSM..then some other helpful person decided he shoulda went to 215...lol. Now we are wrapping at 170 and speaking of temps inside the foil. Yall get me cornfused sometimes. Talking to yall is sorta like talking to my wife..lol. She starts a story in the middle then works her way gradually back towards the beginning and the end. With my type of mental issues its helpful to present things in a logical sequence. Thanks.
Was it just the flat? Where did the point go? Now I'm even more cornfused than you..What's going on here?:rolleyes:
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