I wonder about you people

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Washing Up
Oct 16, 2004
Boston area
I wonder what the gender is of posters whose gender is not obvious from their handles (user names). For example: grumblebee (my guess is male?) and kleenex (female?). I have a lot more of these gender wonderings.

I wonder if Ironchef's avatar is a picture of him (or her) and what he/she means by "I do seafood" in the public profile.

I wonder what Mylegsbig finds hilarious about the avatar he(?) uses and why he/she chose that handle. And I wonder why Saltygreasybacon chose his(?) handle. I have a lot more of these handle-choice wonderings, too.

I wonder what "Contest Winner" under someone's handle means.

I hope my wondering doesn't offend anyone. I prefer to think of myself as "interested" instead of "nosy". :) Does anyone else wonder such things?

This is terrific forum - great people sharing a wealth of knowledge and good feelings!

Well I guess you can figure out that I am female based on my name :)

I presume Iron Chef is male, not sure why. I presume mylegisbig is male, for obvious reasons based on his name :LOL:

Contest winners are those that won contests on here based on various topics in certain forums, but typcially in " off topic" forum.:)
Now That You Mention It

Now I am wonderin about your handle, yours is not exactly gender revealing unless I am missing something. :LOL: I have often wondered about users handles and get mad at myself for not coming up with something witty like they did.

Sattie is a nick name pick up at work, real name is Satin (like the material) and I would be a she.
I'm a guy.

My avatar is Greg "Fossilman" Raymer, the 2004 World Series of Poker main event winner. I like his style of tournament poker playing.

I do seafoods = Seafood is my specialty. That and sauces.
Cool thread! I wonder about some of those things too - like what different people's screen names mean - other than the obvious - how they chose them. I think it is obvious I am a girl.
My name is significant because it indicates my real identity. I am Dorothy's Auntie Em (Andy M.).

Most people don't realize that the Wizard of Oz is a true story, fictionalized for the movie. The real Andy M. was a man whose gender was changed to female for the movie and the name was modified to accommodate the gender change.

The real story is about a 12 year old girl who was lost in a tornado in the dust bowl in the 30s. She was missing for some time and the family was beginning to think they would never see her again.

Many months later she reappeared as a changed person. Upon investigation, the police found she had actually run off to California and was making her way selling illegal substances to the Hollywood set.

Several months into this new endeavor she got tired of the wicked life she was leading and headed home. She arrived at the farm late one night and walked into Andy M.'s room and tried to awaken her by pulling her leg....

...just like I'm pulling yours right now.
Andy M - go to the corner right now!!!! :ROFLMAO:

Dove - it's time for the woodshed - Sush, aren't you glad it's not your turn again????
QSis said:
I wonder what the gender is of posters whose gender is not obvious from their handles (user names). For example: grumblebee (my guess is male?)

:LOL: Nope... last time I checked I was female! Admittedly though, my username is rather gender neutral. But that's why I chose a pink avatar. Pink = girly, didn't your mother teach you that? :-p
I'm just a little boy's Ma His name is Cade and he calls me ma+Kadesma:LOL:
I'm a mom to 4 kids and 6 grandkids

I am a Simple Man "MAIDRITE:cool: " :ohmy:
Really I just believe God Made us all. So we all are "MADE RIGHT"


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I'm hot and spicy like my name and a little green.:ROFLMAO: I am female.
I've got a female avatar and a feminine username (I fould out later). So you guessed it, I'm a guy.

BTW, I think mylegsbig's avatar is cool too. And I wonder about his username. Mostly, I'm jealous because he seems to have alot more time to play in the kitchen than I do.
kadesma said:
I'm just a little boy's Ma His name is Cade and he calls me ma+Kadesma:LOL:
I'm a mom to 4 kids and 6 grandkids


6 GRAND KIDS not 4???? who are the 5th and 6th??

Anyway I am female, my name is Licia. You can see me in the pic on the right hand side on my profile page along with my beau Cristiano.
And I am not saying YOU ARE maniac, "Urmaniac" is my fave nick given by a good friend of mine, this was created because I was (and still am) such a dedicated, crazed fan of a certain figure skater from the last decade named Alexei Urmanov, thus "Urmanov + maniac = Urmaniac". When I first tried to use this on AOL, to my great surprise, it was already taken, so I threw in "13" because it seemed like I was a perpetual 13 year old!!:-p
VickiQ is pretty obvious as to my gender but, I also use yellowdog9381-yellowdog after my dog and 9381 is my son Jymm's b-day- I am also oceanspirit60-there is no place on this earth I would rather be than near the ocean and 60 is the year I was born- I guess both of those could be neutral.
Andy M. said:
The real Andy M. was a man whose gender was changed to female for the movie and the name was modified to accommodate the gender change.
WOW! What lengths some people won't go to in order to get a part in Hollywood!! Me? I ain't curling my hair for nobody! :LOL:

As for me most people wonder about my gender anyway so I'm used to it. :LOL:

In reality I'm just an old southern boy with a good wife and grown daughter. :)

I chose my screen-name from Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven".

And I too wonder what the tag "Contest Winner" means.

Maidrite >> Love your Avitar, but shouldn't that tagline read "It might be... I could be... IT IS!! HOLY COW!!!"? :punk:

~ Raven ~
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