Ice Cream Cake

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Assistant Cook
Mar 30, 2006
Hey Guys,

I'm planning to make a Chocolate Chip Ice-Cream Cake for my girlfriend's birthday. I am just buying a box of Chocolate Chip Ice-Cream instead of making the Ice-Cream from scratch. I have a few questions regarding Ice-Cream Cakes that I need help with.

1) If I'm making it with a baked Orea crust at the bottom, should I just make the cake entirely out of Ice-Cream, or would it taste better if I coat/layer the Ice-Cream with a Sponge-Cake or Angel Cake?

2) Can I use a 9" Springfoam pan to freeze the cake, cause I'm alittle worried that it might be alittle hard to transfer the entire cake into a serving dish and the cake might look ugly. Any tips on how I can transfer it from my springfoam pan to a serving dish so I can travel it to her house with the help of dry ice?

3) Would my cake turn out ugly if I use the springfoam pan? Any suggestions on frosting I can use?

Thanks guys, really need your help!

:) Adding an extra layer is really up to you its what ever your personal taste tells you.As for spring form I would put a strip of parchment paper or wax paper on the inside wall of springform that should peel off easily also you could press some chopped nuts on the sides when serving after it softens a little and even sprinkle nuts on top if you want.As for topping You could put some fresh strawberries on top with a little chocolate sauce just before serving or may just some chocolate or caramel sauce. The possibilities are many.
We have a place here that makes ice cream cakes to order, and they frost theirs with mostly whipped cream, although some icing, and occasionally sprinkles, are used for accents.
I love ice cream cakes! My boyfriend went and bought me one from Baskin Robins for my birthday a couple of weeks ago. I've always wondered what was the best way to make one though.
I have made ice cream cake in a spring form pan. I used grahan crackers on the bottom but you could use any ground up cookie. I use layers and between the layers fudge sauce. If you GF likes fruit you could layer with mashed berries, nuts as well as fudge. Maybe even more than one flavor of ice cream. Frost with whipped cream or fudge.
Lining with the grease proof paper is the way to go, maybe cover it ina ganash and put the strawberries on

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