Is it safe to reuse crock pot cooking liquid?

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Assistant Cook
May 26, 2008
Upland, CA
If you have cooked, lets say pork country ribs, in the crock pot, can you freeze the cooking liquid and reuse it later for another round of pork ribs?
I asked this same question about reusing the juice from something you've cooked and the answer was yes. It can be frozen and added to gravies or anything else you want to add stock or broth to. The smart way to do it is in ice cube trays so you can grab what you need, but I have various juices frozen in plastic containers that I grab, thaw and dump into something I want my own broth in, rather than store bought.
I've used the juice from pressure cooked ribs for gravy when I grill pork chops and don't otherwise have anything to make gravy with for mashed potatoes. I don't see why you couldn't reuse it to cook ribs in, but it seems like it would be a waste.....
Basically the answer is yes, egor, you can. What you have is just a pork stock.

The only problem would be how long your stock sat before being refrigerated. If you put it in the 'fridge within an hour or two - it should be fine.
Yep, what I do is take some soda bottles that I have filled with water and frozen. Place one or two in the "cooled off a bit" stock. You want the stock to cool quickly to prevent bad stuff from growing. Once cool stick in fridge covered. By morning the grease will have formed on top. Scrape it off and bag it in 1 or 2 cups per bag. I find if I need gravy this makes great gravy or if I want a quicker soup I already have this flavorful stock.
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Only if you boil and place on a wide,cold pan previously placed in the freezer to ensure tha maiximum rate of cooling.

Pack the sauce in an anerobic environment and good luck to you!
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