ISO Bulgur Wheat recipes

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
I recently made Tabouli which came out great. Every time I make it, I always say to myself how easy Bulgur Wheat is to work with. And that I should look for other recipes using it as an ingredient. SO, before I do my internet search, I was wondering if anyone else does anythng with Bulgur Wheat ( other than tabouli)

Below is my recipe for a basic pilaf. It's made with rice. Just substitute the word bulgur everywhere the word rice appears and proceed as directed.

You can dress this up with all kinds of additions, but this is the base. You can also use beef broth in place of the chicken to accompany a red meat dish.

1 C Rice, long grain
4 Tb Butter
2 Nests of Angel Hair Pasta
2 C Chicken broth

Thoroughly rinse and drain the rice.

Melt the butter in a 2-quart pan. Crumble the pasta nests into the butter. Brown the pasta in the butter. The butter and the noodles should turn a fairly dark brown (more than golden brown but less than burned). It is the browning of the butter and noodles that really gives the pilaf its flavor.

Add the rice and cook over medium to medium low heat for 3 to 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add the broth and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce to a simmer, and cook, covered, for 25 minutes. Don't open the pan to look or stir.

At the end of the cooking time, turn off the burner, mix the pilaf and let it rest in the pan (covered) for 5 to 10 minutes before serving.
Here's one I posted a while back, it's a tried and true favorite of mine:

Bring 1 c of broth to boil and pour over 1 c bulgar wheat. (I used veggie broth but any kind would do). Let sit for about half-hour.

Then add:

couple tablespoons EVOO
generous squeeze of lemon juice
salt (1 t or so)
dash of garlic powder
dash of cayenne
dash of dried oregano leaves

handful of chopped green onions
handful of chopped black olives
a chopped up Roma tomato or two

and serve!


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