ISO TNT Mustard Sauce for Honey Glazed Ham

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
I am catering a wedding in three weeks and the bride wants me to do bone in hams with a honey glaze and served with mustard sauce. I have my glaze, but am not so sure of the sauce. I have googled it and checked many of my cookbooks but haven't found anything I like or that will translate to enough for 130 people (economically).

Anyone have any ideas? It can be warm or cold.
Think I have answered my own question. I will probably just make a bechamel and add mustard and horseradish. I can play with the flavours and quantity is not a problem (I have made bechemel for adding to lasagne for 600!

I am still interested if anyone else has a recipe they use.
Have you checked Joy Of Cooking for their discussions on mustards? Their 1997 edition has recipes under the condiment chapter and my 1973 edition has recipes in the salad dressing chapter.

I have run out of wet mustard and am trying to make some with my copious amount of dry mustards in the freezer, from Penzeys....way too wet so far! but not a problem in potato salad...
The mustard sauce my mom always used was simply yellow mustard and brown sugar. She never measured so can't give you any quantities Laurie. She would start with the brown sugar and add the mustard until it "tasted" right. It was pretty thick and she would spread it on the ham to bake and then have some on the side for dipping. I don't remember anything else but it may have had some vinegar in it too like Waldorf salad dressing only with mustard instead of mayo. HTH.
Thanks, everyone! These tips really help me a lot. I am going to start tinkering with it this evening.

More suggestions welcome as well.
Well, this might be overly simple but I just do yellow mustard and brown sugar.

It turns out really well, everyone ALWAYS wants more.

Good luck
Oh, sorry everyone. Actually THAT wedding isn't until next Saturday (the 13th) and I am in the middle of another one right now so I haven't been around to reply.

I did some experimenting and came up with something pretty good. I used many of the ideas and tips you all gave. I did several tests and the one that was the best was to make a bechemel, infusing the milk with a bit of nutmeg, cloves, peppercorns, a bay leaf and tarragon. After straining, I added some grainy dijon and horseradish and mixed it into the roux. When it was thickened, I adjusted the seasonings with a bit more mustard, kosher salt, fresh ground black pepper and a splash of worchestershire. I served it with a ham coldplate to my guys that night and it was a big hit.

Sorry I don't have quanities, if anyone wants them I can figure it out for you. I was making a small amount for testing and will be making about 3 - 4 cups for the event!

I will report back on how it went over for sure. Thanks again for everyone's input.
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