Kellogg's Pops Caramel Crunch Jumbo Snax review...

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004

This is new item out from the company.

These were certainly jumbo compared to normal sized for sure.

These were certainly crunchy.

They sure did have a caramel flavor to them. Not that bad or that special.

I will give this item a medium sized thumbs up.
onto the Apple Jacks version

This was the second flavor I tried.

The cereal box showcases 2 colors.

The Snax version only gives us one color.

The flavor here was really solid.

I give this one a big thumbs up although I would have liked both colors that the cereal box gives us.
Onto the Tiger Paws version

Well this was the third one I tried.

I liked the shape here.

these were nice and crunchy.

Flavor wise these were not special at all.

A medium sized thumbs up from me.
Onto the Froot Loops version

This was the final one I tried.

This is a just a jumbo version of the cereal you can already get.

Had all the colors as well.

Flavor was good.

Nice crunch.

A big thumbs up fro me.

For me Apple Jacks gets first place.
Froot Loops second.
Tiger Paws third.
Caramel Crunch last.
Is this actual cereal? Or are these snack bags? I'm a little confuzzled!

I am going to say that this is not cereal although all the four items could be eaten as one.

For the Froot Loops and Apple Jacks they are just jumbo sized version of the cereal you can get which would certainly be cheaper than getting this item.

They also sell a version of this in a box that includes 12 small bags of this perfect for the single serving.
I am going to say that this is not cereal although all the four items could be eaten as one.

For the Froot Loops and Apple Jacks they are just jumbo sized version of the cereal you can get which would certainly be cheaper than getting this item.

They also sell a version of this in a box that includes 12 small bags of this perfect for the single serving.

Okay, gotcha. Thank you.
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