Labour Day Supper, September 5, 2022

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
I'm surprised there is no supper thread yet. What are you having on this holiday Monday?

I made a salad and really threw a lot of yummy veg in. Boston lettuce, carrot, red bell pepper, corn kernels, shaved red onion, snow peas, cauliflower, toasted pepitas, and radishes on the side. I dressed it with my usual batch vinaigrette. I heated some store bought chicken samosas to go with that. I guess we were craving salad, because we really, really enjoyed this one. There was also tamarind sauce for samosas.

Chicken samosa and salad 2.jpg Chicken samosa and salad.jpg
I'm surprised there is no supper thread yet. What are you having on this holiday Monday?

I made a salad and really threw a lot of yummy veg in. Boston lettuce, carrot, red bell pepper, corn kernels, shaved red onion, snow peas, cauliflower, toasted pepitas, and radishes on the side. I dressed it with my usual batch vinaigrette. I heated some store bought chicken samosas to go with that. I guess we were craving salad, because we really, really enjoyed this one. There was also tamarind sauce for samosas.

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THAT looks divine taxy! I never thought to put Pepitas in a salad before, I'll need to try it.

I'm making an old faithful recipe of Kalua Pork and Cabbage served over steamed White Rice.

kalua pig and cabbage.jpg
(file photo)

This always hits the spot!
No Labor Day cookout today - temperatures have been in the 60s all day and we probably got two inches of rain since midnight and it's still raining. Good - we need it! Instead, I pulled a bag of cooked taco meat from the freezer and made taco salads.

After a weekend of Mussels and Lobster, I put the shrimp aside and just ate some of the leftover cheeses, pate, tapenade.
we grilled, 2nd this this weekend.

meat kabobs, peppers on the grill, and corn. delicious!

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