Last day of June, Tuesday 30th, what's cooking?

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
It is almost 90*F here so will make a cold chicken salad for dinner. From the garden; red onion, pea pods, lettuce, parsley, garlic and basil, with canned chicken and mayo and a chopped tomato from the farmers market.

What are you fixing?
Well, since it's a mini heatwave here in UK, minimal cooking! Just pan frying some sea bass fillets with cherry tomatoes to have in multigrain rolls with watercress.
I have been fiddling with fixing a recipe I test drove last week (honey chipotle steak with roasted red pepper salsa and roasted potatoes with lime and chipotle). There wasn't enough on the plate. I settled on roasted broccoli (tossed with the glaze used on the steak) because it could be roasted at the same time as the pepper. I'm a lousy photographer (smartphone idiot user), but it works! I saved the pepper "butts" and diced those to add to the broccoli and added a bit of finely sliced green onion (white part only), a bit of glaze on the plate.

It is amazing I don't weigh 400 lb with all the food I have to taste test and test drive.


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Middle Eastern Bake. This was yummy, Mrs Wyshiepoo liked despite her not liking lamb or aubergine (eggplant)

Finished it off with a slice of Barm Brack.

Ooo, Wyshie, I bet that bread is good toasted. :yum:

We have a nice collection of leftovers. I'll make salad first, and then we'll graze until full. Can't graze until the leftovers are gone because, well, I cook for an army!

June 30th, beth? Cannot believe this year is half-over...
Wyshie, your casserole looks and sounds wonderful - and I would love a slice of that rich looking dark bread, with butter. :yum:

Hot here today, too - 107F the last time I checked. :ohmy: I've been craving cheese enchiladas and refried beans, so that's what I'm going to have. It's not like I have to slave over a hot stove, I'm using TJ's bottled enchilada sauce :yum: and I just shredded cheese and chopped the onion and olives, so most of it's ready to throw in a small casserole dish to warm up.

Mint chocolate chip ice cream for dessert.
Ooo, Wyshie, I bet that bread is good toasted. :yum:

We have a nice collection of leftovers. I'll make salad first, and then we'll graze until full. Can't graze until the leftovers are gone because, well, I cook for an army!

June 30th, beth? Cannot believe this year is half-over...

Speaking of time flying.......Thursday is our one year wedding anniversary:ohmy::blink::)
Happy Anniversary, in advance, Beth.

We were going to grill some burgers, but it started to rain. I was going to make fettuccine Alfredo, but there was no fettuccine, so I made fusilli Alfredo.
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