Mama, is that biker gonna die?

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Chico Buller

Washing Up
Aug 4, 2008
Madison, Wisconsin
Today is the first day in over a week when the house has been quiet--just me and the bichons.

As some of you know, my wife hasn't been feeling the best, and to help out here, she invited my SIL and my niece to stay with us for a week.

Yeah, it was fun, I even got to shut the Disney Channel off for an hour to watch Stargate Atlantis.

I stayed close to home, but the girls dined out a great deal, and my refrigerator got stuffed with styrofoam boxes, Chinese containers, deli bags and "something brown."

The frig needed cleaning out, I don't like to throw good food away, and the bichons wouldn't touch the stuff. I got home from the gym, hungry enough to bite a skunk's butt through the slats in a park-bench and I found all of this so-called food.

For lunch I had regular pancakes, chocolate something pancakes, half of a liverwaurt sandwich (and from the "waurst" part of something's liver), a small tub of deli potato salad, Freedom Fries and a brownie. I'm saving half of a fried grouper-fish sandwich and the rest of the Freedom Fries for tonight if lividity and rigor haven't taken 'hold by then.

Honestly, the A/C is on, the biker is sitting quietly in front of a fan and things routinely get that "tequila twirl" if I spin around too fast. It's not indigestion, it's clearly a food hang-over.

But here's my question, while my fate is sealed here, do you guys ever like to just knosh on a whole bunch of 'found food' just for the thrill of something new?

Some of the best meals my wife and I have served are "Whirlpool Roulette" on a peaceful Friday night.

And so before I pass, let me add a word of warning. Hold the mayo. I think the stuff in the deli bag has turned...
The Dacor fridge in my house keeps food nice and cold and stuff rarely goes off, unless it was from last year. But the idea of clean out the fridge night for supper is not new to us.
Robo410 said:
The Dacor fridge
Well, we don't have anything quite that nice, but we do have a relatively new East German model that was voted "preiswerter Kasten kaltes bearbeitetes Eisen" three years running. (No, the refrigerators won't run for three years, just the survey.)
Just keep the coal flue brushed out and the thing will run for almost a month.:LOL:
I just wanted to know if you guys who know a lot about food ever did anything as foolish as I just did.
But here's my question, while my fate is sealed here, do you guys ever like to just knosh on a whole bunch of 'found food' just for the thrill of something new?


Well, sure .... but I pick one or two things per meal that I want to get rid of, rather than eat it ALL at once, LOL! And, preferably, things that sort of accompany each other well.

Feel better soon, Chico!

We have a 3 year old Amana that is the best fridge I've ever had.

And yes, about once a week we dig everything out and dine on leftovers.
I had a few Mountain Dews and I watched a 'chick flick' I had never seen. It's a 1970's pic about a bunch of girls in swimming suits and their boy friends go fishing. Let's see here, the TV section says it's called "Jaws."

My tummy feels better. In fact, I'm hungry...
a 1970's pic about a bunch of girls in swimming suits and their boy friends go fishing. Let's see here, the TV section says it's called "Jaws."
So you were a movie reviewer in a past life or do you just play one on tv?:LOL::LOL::LOL:
So you were a movie reviewer in a past life or do you just play one on tv?:LOL::LOL::LOL:

On a recent forum to which I am no longer a member by a vote of 10,000 to one, I used the tag line, "I am a fourteen year old female cheerleader, I play an old biker on hobbyist forums."

My identity confounds even me. At one time or another I have used so many names and pseudonyms that I have to stop once in a while to think of who I am this year.

In a real sense, I do have a past life.

If you write to me on my spam trap, there is another name that pops up. It's me, be assured.
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