My Guacamole:

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Assistant Cook
Jan 11, 2024
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My Guacamole:

3 Avocados

***Take A Knife & Run It Down The Middle, Open Avocado & Take The Pit Out

3 Avocados, Peeled & Diced

1 T. Sour Cream

1-(8-oz.)-Pkg. Philadelphia Cream Cheese, Softened

3 Heaping Tablespoons . Hot Salsa

McCormick Crushed Black Pepper, To Taste

Garlic Salt, To Taste

Onion Powder, To Taste

Add all of the ingredients to mixing bowl; mix until desired consistency.

***Taste with a Tortilla Chip and see if it needs more of anything,

Put in covered container; refrigerate.

Serve with Tortilla Chips.


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I would NEVER add cream cheese. I'll add a tiny bit of mayo if the avocado is not totally ripe. I add some peeled, seeded, fresh diced tomato, lime juice, fresh minced garlic, some finely chopped onion and jalapeno, S and P, and a tiny bit of hot sauce. I want the avocado to be the predominant taste, NOT cream cheese.

The way I make it is the way most of the Mexican restaurants, that Mexicans actually patronize, make it. Some add cilantro, some don't.
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I would NEVER add cream cheese. I'll add a tiny bit of mayo if the avocado is not totally ripe. I add some peeled, seeded, fresh diced tomato, lime juice, fresh minced garlic, some finely chopped onion and jalapeno, S and P, and a tiny bit of hot sauce. I want the avocado to be the predominant taste, NOT cream cheese.

The way I make it is the way most of the Mexican restaurants, that Mexicans actually patronize, make it. Some add cilantro, some don't.
My guacamole is very similar to this. I generally add chopped onion, a bit of tomato product ( fresh or canned or chili sauce), splash of lime juice and garlic salt. A local famous restaurant caused a stir when they finally gave their recipe for their very popular quac; simply two ingredients; avocado's and garlic salt.

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