My latest project

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Nick Prochilo

Chef Extraordinaire
Jan 4, 2005
Long Island, N.Y.
Started redoing my deck last year. New boards on top, replaced the old hot tub and of course I needed an outdoor kitchen. Started the kitchen a couple of weeks ago and here's what I have so far.[attachment=5:qm0vb1xk]008.JPG[/attachment:qm0vb1xk][attachment=4:qm0vb1xk]IMG_0012.JPG[/attachment:qm0vb1xk][attachment=3:qm0vb1xk]007.JPG[/attachment:qm0vb1xk][attachment=2:qm0vb1xk]IMG_0011.JPG[/attachment:qm0vb1xk][attachment=1:qm0vb1xk]IMG_0013.JPG[/attachment:qm0vb1xk][attachment=0:qm0vb1xk]IMG_0014.JPG[/attachment:qm0vb1xk]

I need to get the kettle installed in the circle cutout, then a polished concrete countertop, doors, sink, refrig, garbage bin and stucco finish. Maybe by the end of the year????


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Wow! That looks great. If you buy a hammock you won't even need to go inside.
Captain Morgan said:
why would you do that when you're moving down here?
It's an investment! Total cost isn't gonna be above $1000.

bbquzz said:
You finish that kitchen you'll have to stay and Captain Morgan will be sad :LOL: Looks really great!
Cappy can come visit me anytime after they take that ankle braclet off of him!
Your lucky you live halfway across the world otherwise you would wake up to me cooken a burger on that grill and or sitten in your spa! Good looken deck!
Tri Tip said:
Your lucky you live halfway across the world otherwise you would wake up to me cooken a burger on that grill and or sitten in your spa! Good looken deck!
You get to meet interesting people that way! ;)
Tri Tip said:
Your lucky you live halfway across the world otherwise you would wake up to me cooken a burger on that grill and or sitten in your spa! Good looken deck!

Think Tri Tip has it figured out. a hot dog in the pond at camp fits me well. :LOL: toast on the grill is okay too. Along with bacon. :D

Yeah where is the bar??? Make sure you mount your tap handles on the adjacent side so your grill don’t heat up you keg fridge.

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