National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day ~ What'cha Eatin' ? ~Dinner Thread 11/15/2023

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
This really isn't dinner per se, but MAN!!!

This caught my eye today at Wally World ... what's not to like about anything BACON?
Dinner is actually going to be Spaghetti and Meatballs with some Garlic Bread Sticks.
What'cha havin' ?
I just put a pot of Irish Beef Stew into the oven. Needs to be there for a couple of hours. Now, I'm working on Better Than Grandma's Mashed Potatoes (with a lot less sour cream than the recipe calls out)...good stuff for a rainy PNW day.
National clean out the fridge day is a great idea. I hadn't heard about it until after supper was planned. I should just do it another day.

I followed the recipe for a "meal kit" from my produce basket place. It's not a premeasured meal kit. It's just a collection of the ingredients for a recipe and they try to get as close to the amounts as possible. This is the fourth one that I am following. The first two were great. The third one was bland. This one went from boring to yuck as we ate it. Okay, the dumplings were good, but there was far too much bok choy in the stir fry, even though I had cut back the amount by about a third. This one doesn't even have enough going for it to try to adjust it to our taste. Sigh.

It was Asian style chicken dumplings with dipping sauce and a shitake mushroom and bok choy stir fry. I left a scathing review. I subbed in some bean sprouts for some of the bok choy. The scallions and bean sprouts tasted fine in the stir fry. Oh well, live and learn. At least DH didn't mind the 'shrooms. He is not a fan of 'shrooms.

Dumplings with Shitake and Bok choy Stir fry and dipping sauce.jpg
Dumplings with Shitake and Bok choy Stir fry.jpg
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